84783 packages online


Showing: ppc-warpup icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
md-tpp5i.lha pix/mwb 277 12K 1996-11-22 generic icon TurboPrint Professional 5 - MWB Icons - (readme)
MD-Worms.lha pix/mwb 289 9K 1997-04-27 generic icon WormsDC - 8 Colours MWB Icons - (readme)
MelkorMWB.lha pix/mwb 312 1.9M 1996-06-05 generic icon How to make BEAUTIFULL MWB backgrounds - (readme)
MgExpansion141.lha pix/mwb 277 205K 1994-10-30 generic icon Expansions for MUI+MWB (w/out char sets) - (readme)
MgWBDockIcons.lha pix/mwb 500 38K 1994-03-13 generic icon MagicWB dock icons (8 colours) - (readme)
MiamiMWBIcons.lha 1.2 pix/mwb 340 33K 1997-01-21 generic icon MWB icons and dock for Miami! (v1.2) - (readme)
MiniWBIcons.lha pix/mwb 388 16K 1995-02-23 generic icon Small icons, if you find MWB an eyesore - (readme)
MiscPattern1.lha pix/mwb 341 438K 1995-03-21 generic icon 9 Misc patterns for MWB 2.0 and MS - (readme)
MMS-MWB-1.lha 1.0 pix/mwb 472 234K 1995-04-11 generic icon Collection of MagicWB style icons - (readme)
MMS-MWB-2.lha 2.0 pix/mwb 443 56K 1995-05-02 generic icon More MagicWB style icons - (readme)
mnt_icons_2.lha pix/mwb 368 50K 1996-04-30 generic icon Some more MagicWB Icons (package 2) - (readme)
ModelerMWBIcon.lha pix/mwb 325 3K 1996-04-09 generic icon MagicWB-style icon for the LightWave Modeler - (readme)
MS-MWB-1.lha 1.0 pix/mwb 404 234K 1995-04-20 generic icon Collection of MagicWB style icons - (readme)
MUGicWB.lha pix/mwb 371 39K 1994-04-09 generic icon Yet another collection of MagicWB icons - (readme)
MUGicWB2.lha pix/mwb 435 35K 1994-10-18 generic icon New release of icons for MagicWB2.0 - (readme)
MUI-MWB_Icons.lha pix/mwb 429 715K 1996-03-30 generic icon MWB-Icons im MUI Style - (readme)
MWB-BG-Pattern.lha pix/mwb 336 271K 1998-06-13 generic icon New BG patterns with perfect MWB palette - (readme)
MWB-Icons.lha pix/mwb 319 17K 1997-07-29 generic icon A small MWB Icon collection - (readme)
MWB-Lanch.lha pix/mwb 258 14K 1999-02-13 generic icon My old 8 colours MWB - (readme)
mwb-zipicon.lha First, final version. pix/mwb 290 3K 1996-03-16 generic icon The 1st *pretty* XEN ZiPdrive icon. - (readme)
MWBArchive.lha pix/mwb 636 869K 1997-06-10 generic icon 200+ MWB ImageDrawers and 600+ Icons - (readme)
mwbdm2.lha pix/mwb 465 1K 1997-05-26 generic icon Magic Workbench icon for Diskmaster II. - (readme)
MWBDrws_626.lha pix/mwb 384 449K 1996-03-21 generic icon MWB ImageDrawers Full Collection (626 drws) - (readme)
MWBDrws_U01.lha pix/mwb 295 80K 1996-03-21 generic icon MWB ImageDrawers Collection Update 01 - (readme)
MWBenvCCP.lha 2.0 pix/mwb 272 2K 1996-12-07 generic icon Sets brushes for the GoldED\'s toolbar of the envCCP - (readme)
MWBenvSTM.lha 2.0 pix/mwb 264 14K 1996-12-07 generic icon Sets brushes for the GoldED\'s toolbar of the envSTM - (readme)
MWBenvWRD.lha 2.0 pix/mwb 260 11K 1996-12-04 generic icon Sets brushes for the GoldED\'s toolbar of the envWRD - (readme)
MWBenvwww.lha 1.0 pix/mwb 296 29K 1996-10-10 generic icon MagicWB ToolBar for GoldED\'s envwww - (readme)
MWBGoldED.lha 1.0 pix/mwb 281 424K 1996-09-14 generic icon MWB icons and dock-anims for GoldED - (readme)
MWBIBrowse.lha pix/mwb 307 176K 1996-08-26 generic icon A little anim for IBrowse with MWB (8 cols) - (readme)
MWBIcons.lha pix/mwb 516 24K 1999-10-15 generic icon MagicWB icons collection - (readme)
MWBMac.lha pix/mwb 327 6K 1995-06-30 generic icon My personal MWB-Icons for ShapeShifter or any other MAC-Emulation - (readme)
MWBNetDisk.lha pix/mwb 489 1K 1994-01-29 generic icon MagicWB Networked Disk Icon (NFS, ParNet, etc.) - (readme)
MWBQuakeIcon.lha pix/mwb 306 6K 1998-08-29 generic icon MWB-Icons for Quake - (readme)
MWBSonicIcon.lha pix/mwb 316 2K 1998-08-13 generic icon Sonic the Hedgehog MagicWB icon - (readme)
mwbtc.lha 1.0 pix/mwb 246 32K 1996-09-06 generic icon MWB icons and docks-anim for TimeConnect - (readme)
MWB_8ColIcons.lzh pix/mwb 439 92K 1993-11-20 generic icon Real 8 colors MagicWB Icons !!! - (readme)
MWB_DOpus8c.lha pix/mwb 469 370K 1996-10-28 generic icon Opus5.5/ToolManager small 2-frame icons - (readme)
MWB_DOpus8p.lha pix/mwb 304 24K 1997-08-08 generic icon 48 new ANIM pictograms for DOpus 5.x/TM - (readme)
MWB_DOpus_6.lha 6 (17.07.95) pix/mwb 305 288K 1995-07-18 generic icon Prof DOpus MWB patrns, btns, icns, full dox! - (readme)
MWB_DOpus_7.lha pix/mwb 358 513K 1995-09-19 generic icon DOpus5 Icons/Patterns/ARexx/Utils/Hints - (readme)
MWB_HDicons.lha pix/mwb 459 81K 1997-05-14 generic icon Some HD-Icons in Magic-Workbench style - (readme)
MWB_HDs2.lha pix/mwb 424 19K 1997-06-15 generic icon Some more HD-Icons in Magic-Workbench style - (readme)
MWB_Icons-1.1.lha pix/mwb 396 39K 1994-02-21 generic icon Another MagicWB icon collection - (readme)
MWB_Stuff_52.lha pix/mwb 408 880K 1996-04-13 generic icon MWB Icons, Patterns and stuff - (readme)
MWB_Stuff_6.lha pix/mwb 339 423K 1996-10-05 generic icon MWB16 Icons, Patterns, & stuff. - (readme)
mwcb.lha pix/mwb 289 51K 1995-10-18 generic icon My small MagicWB collection - (readme)
Neerv_MWB.lha 1 pix/mwb 267 14K 1999-11-29 generic icon Neervoort s MWB Game - Icons !!! - (readme)
NetIconsMWB-1.lha pix/mwb 292 9K 1995-03-23 generic icon MWB style Icons for Net programs - (readme)
NewTextIcons.lha pix/mwb 290 238K 1996-07-12 generic icon New MagicWB text icons according to Roman\'s style. - (readme)
Found 303 matching packages
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