Just a few days ago I released a package called "Alot of AmigaGuide-Icons".
Well... When I finished "Alot of AmigaGuide-Icons", I still had those
weird sized text icons. You know, the white paper thingy with a dog's ear.
Yep that's the one. Well it f*cked up my whole documents directory and every
other place I found it. Indeed it's neatly done but, I just didn't like
it. So, I started thinking of a new design. I came up with something
nice, but as soon as I came up with it, I forgot it straight away. I
thought: "Why discard the design of the "Roman's Magic WB Icons 8"
package. Why discard something that is good!?" So, well what do you get
this time then:
* In total, seventy (70!) new text icons according
to Roman's style: - one new `addendum' icon;
- one new `config' icon;
- thirty-four new `doc' icons;
- two new `dok' icons;
- six new `history' icons;
- three new `HTML' icons;
- one new `manual' icon;
- one new `mod list' icon;
- three new `note' icons;
- thirteen new `read me' icons;
- four new `reg form' icons;
- one new `text' icon.
All of them are located in corresponding subdirectories in
the `NewTextIcons' drawer;
* A template icon of every type of new text icon you will come
across (twelve in total). So, you can draw your own. These
are found in the `NewTextIcons/Templates' drawer;
* Again the great `IconUpdate' to install the icons
easily. It only replaces the image and keeps the rest of
the icon intact.
Yep, pretty much the same as always. A bunch of icons and the same
proggies. But euhm, like I said before "Why discard something that is
good!?" 8).
Yeah, yeah, again some cut copy and paste work. So what! ALL of my icons
are nearly in MagicWB style. Now if you want that too, then I suggest you
stop naggig and download this archive!