` The Eleventh Hour '
By - Bobby Clark, B.C. Productions, for the Transient label
E-mail: bobclark@korrnet.org
WWW: http://listen.to/octamed
To contact Transient:
E-mail: imugford@newave.net.au
S-mail: P.O.Box 608, Semaphore 5019, South Australia, Australia.
WWW: http://surf.to/transient
Transient sez:
"Transient" is an electronic music group with dreams of the big time. At
present we have four members. Homer j, Naf, phia and Zee. Any music that we
release will be under the `Transient' name.
Oh, by the way, if any group/individual would like to help release/spread
our mods on a permanent basis, or if anyone is interested in joining up with
us, or if you need a musician in your crew or music for your production,
then just get in touch with us at one of the above addresses.
B.C. sez:
B.C. Productions revisits, yet again, the land of odd electronic cadences...
this time, as a guest of the Transient label.
This tune was intended as a sort of sequel to "Pentagonic" (bc-penta.lha in
mods/med) which was an earlier odd-rhythmed goa-trance piece I did. The idea
came about when I decided to experiment with some interlocking 11-based
cadences (the acid bits being 11/16, over the main 11/4 rhythm).
The tune mutated, and I decided to bring in some weird vox stuff and some
ambient pads to kinda thicken it out a bit. Anyway, here is a listing of
samples, and where I got 'em from.
Slot # Name of Sample Origin
1 Acid Bass JED's Blue Monday (MED module)
2 Kick + hi hat hit med.Chill (Christos Dimitriokakis)
4 Kick mod.amg303 (Slice/Royal)
5 Kick + handclap "
7 303 bass "
8 Vocal Ahh mod.affinity (Timelord)
9 Ambient pad "
A "LSD" vox med.Propoganda (Out of Place)
B Vox sweep med.crimsonmold (Quinn)
D Acid resonatix mod.code red (Chill)
Sample #6 is a stock tr-909 open hi hat mixed with the 303 bass using the
PS3MREC program. Sample #c, the Armageddon vox, is a med synthsound lifted
from Radius's med synthsounds archive (which is in mods/med aminet).
Thanks be to the following:
Homer j and the Transient people ... _____
Mysterium's Trax in Space, for proudly {_ _}__
featuring my music! (www.traxinspace.com) | |{ _}_____
Boris, of the Weekly Module Review. | | \ \{_ _}
Chill/Joint Forze ... keep on trackin. :) ~ {___} | |
RS3, Irq909, and Broam, now in the PC group | | ^
"Exiles" ... best of luck guys. ~ + /|\
Saraba, Lindy, Gte, Colitis, and other / | \
#amigacafe/#amigachat ppl 1998 / | \
Moonlady, for all of her "11th hour" chatter / B.|C. \
with me online ... major warm fuzzies. :) ~-_ | _-~
Again, as always, feel free to use my samples, synthsounds, or to remix this
tune. If you do though, it would be totally cool if you sent the results to
me here. :) And to Homer j: I hope you like this one. Cheers ...
Homer j sez:
A weird bit of techno never went astray, and this piece of odd-trance/goa is
an interesting excursion into that field, to say the least. :) Enjoy.
You need "Visions" on CD right? Contact me and i'll see what i can do.
We always sez:
E-mail us for comments, suggestions, module and/or sample swapping, or just
for a chat (yes, we are that bored). Over 180mb worth of samples and 4gb
(yes GIG-a-bytes) worth of all styles of modules are available, so if you
want something, just ask.
Greets to all we know, including: Darcey Lloyd - UK
Damnation/Instinct - New Zealand
Mutant Gumby - Australia
}{øm@® j + nå£ + ph¡a + Zee = Transient 1998