MED players.
For PC: Teijo Kinnunen's Windows 95 Octamedplayer.
All of these can be found on my homepage.
NOTE: This module uses Octamed synthsounds and hybrid samples.
This means that it will NOT (and I really mean NOT) play
as I intended it to, if you use MODPLUG for MS-DOS or
SoundApp for the Macintosh. Sorry, guys
B.C. contributes a chapter to the ongoing saga of Secret Agent 303 ...
Name of this composition: "Death Ray"
Style: Very electric goa-trance
Influences: In general, a lot of the modernish
trance stuff.
Well, this is it ... my FIRST track as a member of a PC music group,
the Unreformed Deviants. (Yes, they know I use an Amiga, and they are cool
with it ...) This is, of course, part of a larger technopera entitled
"Secret Agent 303" ... members of UD have contributed acts to this play.
In this particular act, our hero, Secret Agent 303, is boarding a space
shuttle flight in an attempt to thwart the sinister plans of Dr. Riley
Badd, an evil scientist on board a space station, who has a weapon of
mass destruction (mentioned in the title of this track) pointed at the
greater portion of the civilised world.
This track represents my first attempt to use the hybrid sound functions
of Octamed. What hybrids do, is to take a normal audio sample, and twist
and mold it using the same programming language as for synthsounds. A lot
of unique effects can be generated this way, and I think the results here
show that. The signature Death Ray sound in this track is an EXCELLENT
demonstration of what hybrids can do.
Thanks go to the following people: Saraba, Colitis, all #amigacafe people,
for listening to my stuff!
Broam, Parasite, RS3, Hate, Ruiner,
DJ Leroy, and Shade, my fellow
Unreformed Deviants ...
Munchette, of #wisconsin, for moral
support and hugs ...
If you like this one, mail me:
B.C. Productions homepage:
To see the COMPLETE story of Agent 303, surf to the Unreformed Deviants'
homepage, at
I have contributed two tracks to the saga. My other contribution,
"Space Flight", is on the aminet as bc-space.lha ...