Short:        V2.1, gadtools-GUI-builder for resizeable GUI's
Author: (Matthias Meixner)
Uploader:     meixner rbg informatik th-darmstadt de (Matthias Meixner)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                           GenGui V2.1

                    ©1995 by Matthias Meixner

               Read the README file for the legal issues

This package is for layout and creation of graphical user interfaces (GUI).
Unlike some other programs like Gadtools, you do not draw your GUI just like
in a paint-program, but you describe the GUI in a kind of description
language. From this description GenGui generates a C-headerfile, wich
is used by the runtime-part of this package to render the GUI to your window.

The basic idea:
The description of the Gui is box oriented. Every box affects the size
and position of the objects inside the box. A box has an orientation, which
determines the positions of the objects in a box, in a vertical box the
first object is on top and all other objects are below this one, in a
horizontal box, the first one is on the most left side. Within a box every
object can have a relative size, a size absolut in characters or a size
absolut in pixels or a mixture of the last two. This object can be a new box,
a gadget or a custom "gadget". This allows an easy generation of resizeable

New features of version 2.0:
- support for minimal sizes
- support for boders, bars, background-patterns
- support for image-buttons, formatted texts

New features of version 2.1:
- bug-fixes
- additional commands for spacing
- support for localization