Short: clear/reset vectors from shell Author: Uploader: megacz usa com Type: util/cli Version: 0.3 Replaces: util/cli/crvectors.lha Requires: see notes Architecture: m68-amigaos;generic ad --- ________ __ __ __ _______ __ __ | | | |__| | | |_ _| |--.|__|.-----. | | | | | | | | | | || ||__ --| |________|__|__|__| |___| |__|__||__||_____| _______ __ | __|.--.--.----.--.--.|__|.--.--.-----. |__ || | | _| | || || | | -__| |_______||_____|__| ___/ |__| ___/|_____| _____ |__ | ', ,-' |--| '--' Your geeky software resource: crvectors-0.3 -------------- --- This is 'crvectors' - utility that allows to null certain system vectors. --- NOTES: Requires 68000+, OS 1.3(theoretically)+, 1+ KiB of free memory --- NEWS: [06-May-2008] 0.3 Smaller and better. [26-Jan-2008] 0.2 Expanded to support options. [31-Jan-2006] 0.1 First simple, buggy version. --- USAGE: " *** template: crvectors <vector> [vector] [vector] ... vectors: ### all - all vectors ### cold - ColdCapture ### cool - CoolCapture ### warm - WarmCapture ### kmem - KickMemPtr ### ktag - KickTagPtr ### kchk - KickCheckSum ### stat - dumps current setup " --- EXAMPLES: crvectors stat crvectors all crvectors all stat crvectors cold kmem stat ... ---