Short: Powerful expression evaluator - v1.3 Author: (Jesper Wilhelmsson) Uploader: jive algonet se (Jesper Wilhelmsson) Type: util/cli Version: 1.3 Replaces: Eval, distributed with Amiga OS. Requires: A brain Architecture: m68k-amigaos I have for some time been very unsatisfied with the functions of the tool eval, included in Amiga OS. I was hoping for an update in Amiga OS 3.5 but nothing has been done to this tool. Therefor I have written my own tool for mathematical evaluations. The worst things about the old eval: * It can't count! 1+2*3 should equal 7 not 9!! (no priorities?) * No suport for binary numbers * No support for decimal numbers * Too few functions * Not flexible enough to be userfriendly * No bugfixes or upgrades are made from the developer Ev is improved in theese areas and some other: * The prioritys are correct! 1+2*3 = 7 * Ev supports all the old Eval input for compability reasons (except for e) * Support for binary numbers added in input and output * The constants pi and e added * Support for decimal numbers added, both 0.1 and .1 are accepted * Correct rounding of decimals * New flexibility added with support for: * the words and (&), or (|), not (~) * both <<, >> and lsh, rsh (and l, r) for left/right shift * d## and @d for decimal input and output * several new ESC-codes in output (tab, bell, formfeed etc.) * number of digits in octal and hexadecimal output is optional * multiplication without '*'-token in obvious places * reading expressions from a file or stdin * multiple expression calculation, (see docs) * variables * Several new functions: * absolute value (abs) * square root (sqrt) * faculty (!) * powered numbers (^) * trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan, asin, acon, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh) * random number (rnd) * logarithmic functions (ln, log, log2, logx) + I will keep upgrading it if there is a need for that. Downside of the new version: * Bigger executable. I've used the tools bison and flex to create the parser and theese tools do not create small files. * Not 100% compatible with Eval, e does not mean eqv any more since the number e=2.718281828... From v1.2 the %n, %o and %x has changed to @n, @o and @x to make Ev preform better in scripts, this means more compability to Eval is lost. On the other hand it was Amiga Inc. who told me to make the changes so I guess it's allright. * The argument management seems to be different in some ways which seems to have a negative effect on the behaviour of Ev in scripts. For example the test script in the manual for OS 3.5 with Eval used as a counter will not work with Ev. Other scripts I have seen works fine though. I hope thats it.