Short: List files matches by a given pattern Author: joerg riemer <> Uploader: joerg riemer <joerg_riemer freenet de> Type: util/cli Version: 1.7 Requires: Kickstart V37+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos Date: 27.12.2003 Keywords: List, Dir, MatchFirst, MatchNext, MatchEnd Entries, lists all files found on disk by a given pattern and prints a small statistic about used header.- extension.- and directory-blocks. TEMPLATE: PATTERN/A: path/pattern to examine ALL/S: examine/print also all sub-directories NS=NOSTAT/S: don't print statistic ME=MARKEMPTY/S: mark/print path/filename of empty files Q=QUICK/S: don't print any path/filename LF=LARGESTFILE/S: print path/filename of largest file Entries is written in assembler. (sourcecode included) *** HACK AT YOUR OWN RISK *** for suggestions, hints, tips and/or questions send an email! (see above for address) joerg...