Short:        MUI Prefs for MultiCX 2.80 (FREEWARE)
Author:       Micro Design (Richard West & Daniel Pimley)
Uploader:     md dream u-net com (Richard West)
Type:         util/cdity
Version:      2.1
Requires:     OS 2.0 + MultiCX + MUI + WBStart-Handler 1.4* or OS 3.5
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                                 WBStart-Handler 1.4 is included*

 1) MUI interface

 2) OS standard gadget help

 3) tidy GUI design

 4) Locale support and German catalog

 5) German translation to online help

 6) OS 3.5 goodies!

 7) Extra OS 3.5 functionality