Short:        Rnd copy from pattern(#?) to dest file. OS2.0
Uploader:     crandall garnet msen com
Type:         util/cli
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Now version .91

Given a pattern, will select one random file and copy it to the specified

Originally  written  with  random  wbpatterns in mind.  Could be other
uses, such as fortune cookies or quotes.  Maybe a slideshow?

Suggested usage would be go like this:

randomcopy FROM prefs:presets/patterns/~(#?.info) TO env:sys/wbpattern.prefs

 When  executed  in  your  startup-sequence, a random pattern would be
selected for the workbench.  This could also be a palette, pointer, or
set of fonts.

Update includes support for

   CLONE  Copies comment, date, and protection bits.
   BUFFER Sets size of copy buffer.
  MAXWAIT  Ability to wait definable times between copies.

Also, ReadArgs has been utilized for more reliable argument parsing.

A  minor  update to fix a random seed problem.  A seed can be saved to
the  S:   directory  by  specifing  a "RNDFILE" keyword on the command
line.   This  is  to  get  a  better  random-ness  to users without an
internal clock.