Short: Grabbed screen: E.K. s DOpus5 CGFX Workbench Author: E.K. of 3 Kelvin Uploader: h kroehnert abo freiepresse de (Heiko Kröhnert = E K of 3 Kelvin) Type: pix/wb Architecture: generic Kurz: Bildschirm: E.K.´s DOpus5 CGFX Workbench Long: Software used: DOpus Magellan (rules!) MCP V1.21 (rules,too!) NewMode V3.9 (...) Dynamicache TragicWB KingCON NewIcons V3 (forget MWB) CycleToMenu Silicon Menues removed due to problems with C4D Notes: I don´t like those multimillion-colored WB´s, so don´t flame me if you not find any background pix or funny picture windows open. The script that generates the "BorgOS Startup Message" can be found as util/batch/Connect.lha