Short:        TrekkieMUI screenshot - Beta testers???
Author:       Stefan.Osterburg@Student.Uni-Magdeburg.De (Stefan Osterburg)
Uploader:     Stefan Osterburg Student Uni-Magdeburg,De (Stefan Osterburg)
Type:         pix/wb
Architecture: generic
Distribution: NoCD

This a screenshot of my workbench with a preliminary version of my 
Star Trek database "Trekkie", which I am rewriting to use MUI.

There are several reasons for this:
-First and foremost Trekkie becomes font-sensitive and independent of 
 the screen resolution. It will hopefully be possible to run Trekkie 
 on a 640x256 screen.
-The register groups of MUI make it possible to put even more 
 information into the datafile and on screen.
-I hope to make Trekkie fully localized.
-When it's finished online (or even bubble) help will be available.
-Using Trekkie with keybord only will hopefully be possible.

The development is still in alpha state, which means that not
all function of Trekkie Version 2.9 have been integrated into the new 
version again. Nevertheless I would like to invite everyone who is 
interested to download a preview version from my homepage at the
following address:

Please feel free to test all implemented functions, try to provoke
crashs.... But please remember to email me if you find anything or
if you have suggestions how to improve certain things.