Short: A screenshot of my WB...please check it out=) Author: Antti Sokero <> Uploader: Antti Sokero <anazzimo iobox fi> Type: pix/wb Architecture: generic So...Here is a screenshot of my WB3.5 desktop and I hope you would like it... There isn`t many of those "graphical beaty improving patches" runnign in the backround because I really got bored playing with those, but I still think it looks quite nice =) If you have any coments about my desktop please write to my EMail address and tell your opinion about it....and please if you feel interested check out my older Screenshots in the package called MyBVisionWB.lha My system is: Amiga 1200 T 040/25 + PPC 603e/166 128mb fast + 2mb chip BVision 8mb 4.0 gb HD Catweazel (or something like that) Idefix + Some other stuff (for example an LCD display of a kind shown in the IBrowse window....) (<--- and it is really a cool thing) You can contact me.... by Email: by ICQ: 38056554