Short:        The amazing (? !) Workbench of Mr.Pampf
Author:       Manfred Wiesert
Uploader:     Martin Schulze (schulze phil uni-sb de)
Type:         pix/wb
Architecture: generic

A WB-snapshot of my little baby (1O24x768 - 256 col.)!
This Workbench 3.1 is a mixture of MWB-, NewIcons- and
Window$ 95-Parts. Dont´t get me wrong, I hate Window$,
Micro$oft and Bill ´Pieface´ Gates, but a few Window$-
icons dont´t look so bad!

             ___ ___
            /  //  / A4OOO Commodore Desktop Rev.B
           /  //  / OS3.1, 2MB Chip, 64MB Fast
 ___ ___  /  //  / Apollo 4O6O Turboboard 66 MHz
 \  \\  \/  //  / Cybervision 64/3D 4MB + Scandoubler
  \  \\  \ //  / SCSI GVP Series II + Fastlane Z3
   \  \\  Y/  / IDE-HardDisks Seagate 1O8OMB + 2112MB
    \  \\  \ / Vob SpeedUp 3.OO, CD-ROM Lite On 2Ox
              Yamaha CD-writer CDR 4OO external SCSI
             Flatbed-Scanner Mustek 6OOO SP SCSI
            Printer Canon BJC-61O
           Monitor Amiga M1538S

I love working with my Amiga, because it´s not a soul-
less cold stupid M$-PC! Many of my (ex-Amiga-) friends
have a  PC now and althought  they always want to tell
me how good it is, they never tell me what I see:

how much problems they had using it,and how many diff-
erent, partly unbelievable problems a PC caused. After
these cruel experiences with a PC my opinion is,you´ll
find nothing reliable than an Amiga.

If someday the Amiga´s last day  should come (it never
comes...), I´ll better buy again a Commodore 64 than a
PC! So my tip for you: !! stay on your Amiga !!

Greetings and sorry for my bad english

Mr.Pampf                         Amiga-user since 1987