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Wheel mouse support is not too common on the classic m68k Amiga platform.
I am aware of two existing approaches: NewMouse for serial mice and
PS2M for PS/2 to DB9 Amiga converters (aminet:hard/hack/ps2m.lha). The former
project included a proposal for intuition mouse wheel events that has been
semi-officially adopted by other parties, too. The latter project provided
the wheel movement information over the second port (Joystick) from the
adapter into the Amiga.
The extended PS2M was accompanied by a driver utility called WBM
(aminet:util/mouse/WheelBusMouse.lha) that was supposed to be started
from startup-sequence or user-startup.
UWMouse is an alternative driver that's implemented as a Commodity, such
it can be disabled or removed at any time by the Commodities Exchange
program (Sys:Tools/Commodities). It also contains Workbench startup
code so that it might be simply put into "Sys:WBStartup".
Just copy UWMouse to SYS:WBStartup.
If you insist on starting the tool from Startup-Sequence or User-Startup,
then please note that it won't detach itself from the shell. Hence, put
a "RUN" in front of the invocation.
As of this writing, you need three components for Wheel Mouse operation:
- The hardware, which can either be PS2M with a compatible PS/2 mouse and
the adapter to the Joystick port -or- the upcoming UWMouse USB mouse
adapter hardware.
- A driver (this tool) and Amiga programs that actually support mouse
wheel inputs
- Since Amiga software with direct support for wheel mice is rare, the
FreeWheel utility should be installed to fill the gap on AmigaOS
up to 3.9 or 3.1.4, respectively. (aminet:util/mouse/FreeWheel.lha)
The UWMouse commodity supports the following options (commandline or icon
PRIORITY=0 - a number for the Commodity priority
QUIET - suppress CLI output
REVERSE - reverse both mouse wheel axes (X and Y)
REVERSEX - reverse the horizontal wheel axis
REVERSEY - reverse the vertical wheel axis
Version History
- initial Aminet release
Contents of util/mouse/UWMouse.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 271 628 43.2% -lh5- 824c Apr 9 11:20 UWMouse.info
[unknown] 1224 2368 51.7% -lh5- e243 Apr 9 11:01 UWMouse/README
[unknown] 248 477 52.0% -lh5- c077 Apr 9 11:20 UWMouse/README.info
[unknown] 767 1399 54.8% -lh5- 61bd Apr 9 11:08 UWMouse/src/config.c
[unknown] 817 1530 53.4% -lh5- 8b11 Apr 9 11:09 UWMouse/src/config.h
[unknown] 12641 35147 36.0% -lh5- 7994 Apr 9 11:04 UWMouse/src/COPYING
[unknown] 3420 9591 35.7% -lh5- 3e85 Apr 9 11:09 UWMouse/src/cx_main.c
[unknown] 704 1360 51.8% -lh5- 3202 Apr 9 11:09 UWMouse/src/cx_main.h
[unknown] 300 468 64.1% -lh5- 4311 Sep 28 2020 UWMouse/src/Makefile
[unknown] 390 740 52.7% -lh5- 1873 Sep 28 2020 UWMouse/src/smakefile
[unknown] 1868 4338 43.1% -lh5- 89a0 Apr 9 11:10 UWMouse/src/startup.c
[unknown] 766 1526 50.2% -lh5- 80e4 Apr 9 11:10 UWMouse/src/startup.h
[unknown] 288 822 35.0% -lh5- 9917 Sep 14 2020 UWMouse/src/uwmouse_normalicon.info
[unknown] 196 292 67.1% -lh5- 7bba Sep 11 2020 UWMouse/src/version.h
[unknown] 1704 2620 65.0% -lh5- 0a3d Sep 11 2020 UWMouse/UWMouse
[unknown] 2145 2984 71.9% -lh5- 5290 Apr 9 11:20 UWMouse/UWMouse.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 16 files 27749 66290 41.9% Apr 11 05:09
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