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VDI is a disk image format used by VirtualBox that can also be mounted and
used with diskimage.device. The main advantage of VDI over raw image formats
like HDF f.e. is that it supports sparse or dynamic disk images where only
blocks that actually contain data are stored inside the VDI file.
Copy vditool SYS:C/
vditool <command> <.vdi file> [options]
create Create a new .vdi file
info List information about .vdi file
compact Compact a dynamic .vdi file
convertfromraw Convert raw (.hdf) to .vdi file
converttoraw Convert .vdi to raw (.hdf) file
Command syntax:
vditool create <.vdi file> [fixed|dynamic] <size>
vditool info <.vdi file>
vditool compact <.vdi file>
vditool convertfromraw <.vdi file> <raw file> [fixed|dynamic]
vditool converttoraw <.vdi file> <raw file>
The create command creates an empty fixed or dynamic VDI file of the size
specified (in GiB).
To create a 30 GiB dynamic VDI file:
vditool create empty.vdi dynamic 30
The info command lists information about the VDI file like the type (fixed/
dynamic), sector size, disk size, block size, number of blocks and number of
blocks currently in use.
To list info about harddisk.vdi:
vditool info harddisk.vdi
The compact command removes any blocks in a VDI file that contains only zero
bytes and then resizes the file. This operation is done in place and is not
well tested at the moment so it is recommended to do a backup of the VDI file
first before attempting this.
To compact the VDI file system.vdi:
vditool compact system.vdi
In order for compacting to be of any real use you will also need a program
that writes zero to any sectors unused by the filesystem(s) (AFAIK no such
tool exists for AmigaOS yet).
To convert amigaos3.hdf to amigaos3.vdi:
vditool convertfromraw amigaos3.vdi amigaos3.hdf
Convert back to raw (.hdf) format:
vditool converttoraw amigaos3.vdi amigaos3.hdf
1.2 (25-May-2011)
- Improved progress displays for compacting
- Added break signal checks for compacting
- Added convertfromraw and converttoraw commands
1.1 (22-May-2011)
- First released version
Contents of util/cli/vditool.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[unknown] 64 66 97.0% -lh5- 4973 May 25 16:36 AutoInstall
[unknown] 700 1370 51.1% -lh5- 2496 May 22 15:55 license.txt
[unknown] 2180 8120 26.8% -lh5- ae4c May 22 15:56 src/endian.h
[unknown] 4362 18945 23.0% -lh5- f3e8 May 25 16:29 src/main.c
[unknown] 271 476 56.9% -lh5- cc00 May 25 15:26 src/Makefile
[unknown] 913 1767 51.7% -lh5- 6a20 May 25 14:34 src/progress.c
[unknown] 991 1919 51.6% -lh5- 0576 May 25 15:25 src/raw.c
[unknown] 225 123392 0.2% -lh5- b115 May 25 14:06 src/test.vdi
[unknown] 1787 6642 26.9% -lh5- e321 May 25 15:35 src/vdi.c
[unknown] 1117 2523 44.3% -lh5- 6a02 May 25 15:23 src/vditool.h
[unknown] 111 190 58.4% -lh5- 734c May 25 16:33 src/vditool_rev.h
[unknown] 126 236 53.4% -lh5- 80d5 May 25 16:33 src/vditool_rev.i
[unknown] 2 2 100.0% -lh0- 6795 May 25 16:33 src/vditool_rev.rev
[unknown] 130 249 52.2% -lh5- a4cd May 25 16:33 src/vditool_rev.s
[unknown] 1069 2178 49.1% -lh5- 7633 May 22 15:56 src/vdi_format.h
[unknown] 11879 30956 38.4% -lh5- dc7f May 25 16:33 vditool
[unknown] 1034 2364 43.7% -lh5- ead6 May 25 16:33 vditool.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 17 files 26961 201395 13.4% May 25 18:32
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