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util/cli/TogglePrt.lha |
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7 January 1993 TOGGLEPRT
TogglePrt - AmigaDOS script to toggle between two printer drivers
on the fly.
TogglePrt.rexx - ARexx script to do the same.
execute TogglePrt /* AmigaDOS script version */
rx TogglePrt.rexx /* ARexx script version, RexxMast must be
active */
AmigaDOS 2.0 or higher and ARexx.
TogglePrt is a set of two scripts to toggle between two printer
preferences presets. I designed it with the GPFax driver in
mind, so that is what appears in both scripts. Just change
the .pre filenames in either script to customize for your own
two preset files. Two example preset files are included. You
will have to alter them for your own setup.
To make a preset file, just load up the Printer preferences
from the SYS:Prefs/ directory, adjust the settings to your
liking, and select "Save As..." from the menu bar and give the
preset file a name of your liking. It is good practice to save
them to the SYS:Prefs/Presets/ directory.
The ARexx version can be run either from the shell or can be
called from a program that can run ARexx scripts such as a word
processor, fax program, or terminal program.
The AmigaDOS script version can be run with the 'execute' command
or can be run without execute provided the +s protection has been
Either can also be run from the provided icons.
Feel free to demolish this to your liking, I have placed these
scripts in the public domain.
These scripts work fine on my system. I take no responsibility
for any damage that might occur from use of these scripts on your
own system.
Brian J. Cerveny
email: brianc@iastate.edu
IRC: RedWine
(Original concept and enlightenment by Budha on IRC.)
Contents of util/cli/TogglePrt.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 76 162 46.9% -lh5- aeed Jan 4 1980 GPFax.pre
[generic] 70 162 43.2% -lh5- b0f1 Jan 4 1980 Normal.pre
[generic] 292 540 54.1% -lh5- c889 Jan 4 1980 TogglePrt
[generic] 642 2054 31.3% -lh5- 564e Jan 4 1980 TogglePrt.info
[generic] 938 2187 42.9% -lh5- 4b39 Jan 4 1980 TogglePrt.man
[generic] 331 842 39.3% -lh5- a5ee Jan 4 1980 TogglePrt.rexx
[generic] 654 2059 31.8% -lh5- 5fc6 Jan 4 1980 TogglePrt.rexx.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 3003 8006 37.5% Jan 8 1993
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