84787 packages online
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It's a clone (backport from AROS) of RequestChoice but removes that useless
1x1 "ghost-window" in the upper left of the screen that the original did
always open.
Contents of util/cli/Request.zip
Archive: /www/aminet.net/doc//util/cli/Request.zip
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
151 Defl:X 109 28% 01-09-05 01:33 0a2fc7cc Request/make_req
2128 Defl:X 1477 31% 01-09-05 01:33 5a2ab33a Request/RequestChoice
6418 Defl:X 2153 67% 01-09-05 00:44 56829e8e Request/RequestChoice.c
-------- ------- --- -------
8697 3739 57% 3 files
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