FEval allow you to do simple computing of expressions in RPN notation. The
known operators are:
+ add * mul / (divide) - (subtract) neg (negate)
% (modulo) ^ (power of) sin cos log (base 10) ln (base e) exp sqrt abs floor ceil
swap dup pop sto rcl
For more, read the guide in the archive.
I hope one of this will still work in the future...
I never mind of this, so I always forget it. Anyway, all my programs are
FREEWARE, this mean you can use and misuse (at your own risk), spread and
so on, but you cannot ask a fee for the programs themselves, and you cannot
include them in commercial products without my permission.
Sources are given for study and analysis, whenever useful. I won't "punish"
who is able to make better FREEWARE programs using my sources if he keeps
my name in the part of code he took (and hopefully cites me somewhere in
the docs)