84782 packages online
util/cli/2b_AddIcon20.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Adds icons to files/dirs/volumes (usable with FileMaster) |
Author: | ScoTT/Inferno&BlaBla BLABLA PRODUCT |
Uploader: | szczepan student man bialystok pl |
Type: | util/cli |
Version: | 2.0 (30.06.97) |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1998-04-24 |
Requires: | operating system 2.04, icon.library |
Download: | util/cli/2b_AddIcon20.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/cli/2b_AddIcon20.readme |
Downloads: | 10850 |
STATUS: FreeWare
NOTE: Using AddIcon you can easy and fast add icons to your files,
directories and volumes. Especially after installing AddIcon
in FileMaster this work is simple. Just mark some files and
click 'AddIcon' gadget (just like in DirectoryOpus).
- recognizes icon type
- you can mark any number of files now
- 100% assembler - it's fast and reliable
CONTACT WITH AUTHOR: snail: address in manual
email: thufor@zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl
CONTENTS: of AddIcon archive:
AddIcon - executable file
AddIcon.guide - instruction
AddIcon.guide.info - icon
AFD-COPYRIGHT - copyright note (english version)
AFD-COPYRIGHT.pl - copyright note (polish version)
Install - install script
Install.info - icon
fm.prefs - sample configuration file for FileMaster
MWBIcons - sample set of MagicWB icons (4 icons)
MWBIcons.info - icon
StandardIcons - sample set of standard icons (4 icons)
StandardIcons.info - icon
Contents of util/cli/2b_AddIcon20.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 701 1233 56.9% -lh5- a419 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon.info
[generic] 1553 4064 38.2% -lh5- 1610 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/AddIcon
[generic] 10169 26374 38.6% -lh5- dee1 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/AddIcon.guide
[generic] 675 1816 37.2% -lh5- 99b8 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/AddIcon.guide.info
[generic] 2976 7554 39.4% -lh5- 0d39 Oct 1 1996 AddIcon/AFD-COPYRIGHT
[generic] 3794 8589 44.2% -lh5- e4d1 Oct 1 1996 AddIcon/AFD-COPYRIGHT.pl
[generic] 651 1239 52.5% -lh5- 7293 Jun 8 1997 AddIcon/fm.prefs
[generic] 1189 3721 32.0% -lh5- 5051 Jun 22 1997 AddIcon/Install
[generic] 1057 1912 55.3% -lh5- 466c Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/Install.info
[generic] 773 1233 62.7% -lh5- 0a14 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/MWBIcons.info
[generic] 501 952 52.6% -lh5- 9911 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/MWBIcons/drawer.info
[generic] 987 1281 77.0% -lh5- 0aed Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/MWBIcons/Pic.info
[generic] 990 3088 32.1% -lh5- 7018 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/MWBIcons/tool.info
[generic] 1333 1856 71.8% -lh5- 4101 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/MWBIcons/txt.info
[generic] 778 1233 63.1% -lh5- 3354 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/StandardIcons.info
[generic] 256 628 40.8% -lh5- b951 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/StandardIcons/drawer.info
[generic] 261 518 50.4% -lh5- 7a9e Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/StandardIcons/pic.info
[generic] 392 835 46.9% -lh5- c02d Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/StandardIcons/Tool.info
[generic] 221 463 47.7% -lh5- c069 Jul 8 1997 AddIcon/StandardIcons/txt.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 19 files 29257 68589 42.7% Apr 24 1998
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