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Short:V1.01a private screen palette editor *BUG FIX*
Author: tone_20 at
Uploader:tone_20 my-Deja com
Requires:WB 3.0, AGA
Download:util/cdity/PowerPalette.lha - View contents

PowerPalette is a palette editor that can jump onto private screens and edit their colours. It can edit up to 256
colours in RGB/HSB modes, and save their palettes to disk as either WB Palette Preferences files or as a custom
NPal file, which is much smaller.

It runs a simple GadTools GUI; none of that MUI or BGUI nonsense in here (I might do a MUI version in the future,
but not until I can find a decent palette object). It's quite a small program, and it works as a commodity which
pops up on the frontmost screen when the hotkey (control-lshift-p) is pressed.

Best of all, the program is IDon'tCareWhatYouDoWithItWare!! I've included the source code for you to play around
with. If you like the program, you don't have to pay or E-Mail me for the next versions; each new version will be
put on the Aminet for everyone to use, including the source code. I trust you won't mess around with the program
and distribute it; you wouldn't do that, would you?

New features since V1.0 include:

    * Adjustable hotkey
    * Font-sensitive GUI
    * Tooltype handling
    * Adjustable ASL requesters
    * New force CloseScreen option
    * Now responds to Ctrl-C / Break
    * Code clean up

Bugs fixed since V1.01:

2* The tooltype CX_POPUP wasn't working properly; if PowerPalette was run from WB, it automatically popped up.
   Although this was my original intention, I can see that it doesn't fit in with general Amiga style, and could
   cause problems if the program was dumped in WBStartup. CX_POPUP now works OK. (reported by Ronne Tennebekk)

3* A bug was introduced in V1.01, which appeared when you tried to save 256+ colour screens. The save would never
   end, either for WBPrefs or NPal files. Fixed. (reported by Ronne Tennebekk)

4* A whole multitude of bugs in PowerPalette, only evident when used on 256+ colour screens, were discovered. This
   was due entirely to loop variables of size UBYTE; this should've been OK, but I forgot that for() loops need to
   take the loop counter to 1 over the maximum specified size. This caused many hang-ups. All of these are now
   fixed (I hope :-).

5* The window title should show "<hotkey = blah blah>", but sometimes showed "<hotkey = blah blah<". Fixed.

This is a major bug fixed version that works with 256+ colour screens. Please replace V1.01 with it as soon as

ToneMaster, 1999

Contents of util/cdity/PowerPalette.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 5276   11309  46.7% -lh5- 9530 Sep 30  1999 PowerPalette/Docs/PowerPalette.Guide
[generic]                  547    4941  11.1% -lh5- 4cdd Sep 18  1999 PowerPalette/Docs/
[generic]                12137   25588  47.4% -lh5- 0518 Sep 30  1999 PowerPalette/PowerPalette
[generic]                 1000    2818  35.5% -lh5- a0a5 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/globals.h
[generic]                  516    1392  37.1% -lh5- 38e5 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/
[generic]                  516    1392  37.1% -lh5- a69a Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/
[generic]                  518    1392  37.2% -lh5- 4aa0 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/
[generic]                 1291    4453  29.0% -lh5- 50b6 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/Peripherel.C
[generic]                  519    1392  37.3% -lh5- af88 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/
[generic]                  517    1392  37.1% -lh5- 0e29 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/
[generic]                  518    1392  37.2% -lh5- aca2 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/
[generic]                  585    2868  20.4% -lh5- b8fa Sep  6  1999
[generic]                  773    1188  65.1% -lh5- 3411 Sep 18  1999 PowerPalette/
[generic]                  245     434  56.5% -lh5- 6baa Sep 30  1999 PowerPalette/Install_PowerPalette
[generic]                  561    1315  42.7% -lh5- 7f6c Sep 30  1999 PowerPalette/
[generic]                  742    1755  42.3% -lh5- 5fff Sep 28  1999 PowerPalette/
[generic]                 1352    2573  52.5% -lh5- 96ac Sep 30  1999 PowerPalette/PowerPalette.readme
[generic]                 1300    1812  71.7% -lh5- b658 Sep 18  1999 PowerPalette/
[generic]                  601    1188  50.6% -lh5- a79b Sep 18  1999 PowerPalette/
[generic]                 1206    5748  21.0% -lh5- 91c4 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/GUI.C
[generic]                  540    1793  30.1% -lh5- 69f2 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/includesprotos.h
[generic]                 4657   22006  21.2% -lh5- ed88 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/PowerPalette.C
[generic]                 4460   20290  22.0% -lh5- a838 Sep 29  1999 PowerPalette/Source/ProgFuncs.C
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        23 files   40377  120431  33.5%            Oct 14  1999
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