* Description *
A powerful yet simple script language/launching tool/GUI engine.
A good complement to AmigaDos shell and arexx scriptwriting.
You can for example make a button panel that follows you from
screen to screen when changing screens. Or a button panel (or menu)
that pops up ANYWHERE when pressing your middle mouse button.
(Or when pressing both mouse buttons together.)
You can make a button for starting a program if it's not allready
open, else just jump to that programs screen. This is very comfortable,
as you allways press the same button to get to the programs screen,
regardless if it's open or not.
You can make a special window only available on (for example) your
word processors screen, with buttons for starting different arexx
scripts for that program.
Selector is a powerful tool to use within shell scripts or to
make a little GUI for your CLI type program.
The possible use of selector is almost unlimited, yet the syntax
is very simple.
It is really easy to produce a button panel, info window or a little
requester with selector.
Or, why not quote the world's biggest amiga magazine:
"The program is so easy to use that you can have your first project
up and running in under a minute." - AMIGA FORMAT march 1998
*** ALSO INCLUDES a set of some very usefull Shell/CLI commands! ***
+ BreakName (Kai Iske)
+ Change (Anders Persson)
+ ChangeLine (Anders Persson)
+ ChopLine (Anders Persson)
+ ChopWord (Anders Persson)
+ Count (Anders Persson)
+ Enclose (Anders Persson)
+ ExecuteHack (Norbert Püschel)
+ FileName (Anders Persson)
+ GetLine (Anders Persson)
+ MagicColors (Volker Rudolph)
+ psRun (Anders Persson)
+ psx (Steve Tibbett)
+ RequestString (Adam Dawes)
+ SelectorFont (Anders Persson)
+ SelectorScreens(Anders Persson)
+ SelectorText (Anders Persson)
+ Unsort (Anders Persson)
+ WBRun (Sylvain Rougier & Pierre Carrette)
* Requirements *
Selector needs AmigaDos 2.0 or better.
The Prefs script and many of the included examples need AmigaOS 3.0+
* What's new in Selector 9.1 (040202) (executable 020310) *
A new version after 5 years of bug free operation. This is just
a minor update.
I noticed that the ShowPatterns MagicWB option not always
detected MagicWB palettes correctly. (The patterns was shown on my
Ibrowse screen, and it looked quite ugly.) So I made the detection
a bit more accurate. I also added the option to use BOTH the
MagicWB option and a screen list at the same time. For example:
ShowPatterns MagicWB NOT Ibrowse
That wasn't really necessary for my particular problem now when I made
the palette detector more accurate, but I put this in to prevent similar
problems from occuring in the future.
I also updated my hompage address: http://listen.to/boray
Some small changes/bug fixes to the "Browser 2" demo script,
the installer and the prefs editor.