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BGUIMenu V1.0
Distribution License
This program is FREEWARE and (C) 1995 by Reinhard Katzmann, All Rights
reserved. Freeware means you can use it without needing to pay me anything
AND you may not charge anything for using it, i.e. for private purposes
only. If you want to use it with commercial programs, you _must_ contact
me for permission as well as if you want to use it as menu program for a
compact disk/disk magazine/coverdisk.
Permission is granted to distribute this archive in unmodified form provided
all the files listed Contents below remain unaltered and unchanged.
No files may be added, changed or removed from the archive. It may not be
uploaded on any BBS which claim copyright on uploaded material.
You may NOT charge any fee for my program and it may be only distributed as
long as no profit is made out of it. This collection may NOT be included
in a commercial package, on a magazine coverdisk, or compact disk media.
This holds true especially for the German CD producer!!
If you want to distribute this archive on a magazine coverdisk you must send
me a complimentery copy of the magazine issue in which it appears to my home
address (below the License).
If you wish to supply this archive as a part of a CD ROM Collection
you may do it if and only if
1) the disc contains at least 20 MB of other freeware programs
2) you send me a complimentary copy of the compact disc to me.
3) the compact disc is related to the amiga computer.
All points must be fulfilled!
Explizit permission is granted to distribute this archive on any CD-ROM
produced by Fred Fish/Amiga Library Services and on any officially supported
Aminet Compilation CD-ROM. If possible, I would like to have a complimentary
copy of the CD-ROM on which my program appears.
If you don't agree with this Distribution License, do not download it!
Author adress:
Reinhard Katzmann
Schellingstraße 41
D - 72072 Tübingen
BGUIMenu is a program which lets you create Button menus from a script file.
It has not (yet) a Prefs program, so you must write the menu script by your
own but it's an easy format and there are enough examples in the archive to
fully understand the possibilities the program offers you.
Here is the list of features:
- Quite small (below 30 KB)
- Uses BGUI.library (C) 1993-94 by Jan van den Baard
- With this it is fontsensitiv and resizeable (to some point)
- Unlimited number of menues/titles etc (only limited to screen/memory size)
- Supports several columns (COLS keyword)
- Automatic Keys (no need to give keys to the menus) up to 26 (A-Z)
and no need to give key shortcuts at all
- possibilty to give more menu entries than fit on the screen, they will
be truncated (application: unpack example script)
The BGUI library is delivered with this archive as well as a decent Installer
script and an Amigaguide documentation. Have fun with it!
Listing of archive 'BGUIMenu.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
58 58 0.0% 17-Feb-91 09:40:12 .info
20300 8706 57.1% 05-Sep-95 18:30:26 BGUIMenu
4998 1222 75.5% 03-Sep-95 20:21:08 BGUIMenu-Install
1258 519 58.7% 05-Sep-95 14:54:20 BGUIMenu-Install.info
24264 9587 60.4% 05-Sep-95 18:39:56 BGUIMenu.guide
1446 676 53.2% 05-Sep-95 14:53:16 BGUIMenu.guide.info
835 394 52.8% 05-Sep-95 14:53:16 BGUIMenu.info
4698 2075 55.8% 05-Sep-95 18:40:42 BGUIMenu.readme
993 541 45.5% 05-Sep-95 14:56:00 Examples.info
332 209 37.0% 04-Sep-95 09:19:00 Examples/Example1
1035 338 67.3% 05-Sep-95 14:56:00 Examples/Example1.info
350 194 44.5% 03-Sep-95 20:55:24 Examples/Example1.menu
758 378 50.1% 05-Sep-95 18:19:40 Examples/Example2.def
117 94 19.6% 17-Feb-91 09:39:58 Examples/Script1
189 125 33.8% 17-Feb-91 09:39:58 Examples/Script2
3260 1031 68.3% 02-Sep-95 14:20:42 Examples/Unpack
116 98 15.5% 02-Sep-95 14:09:34 Examples/Unpack.menu1
108328 53054 51.0% 17-Jul-95 20:22:48 libs/bgui.library
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
173335 79299 54.2% 05-Sep-95 18:53:06 18 files
Operation successful.
Contents of util/batch/BGUIMenu.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 58 58 100.0% -lh0- cacf Feb 17 1991 .info
[generic] 8706 20300 42.9% -lh5- 73c6 Sep 5 1995 BGUIMenu
[generic] 1222 4998 24.4% -lh5- 9238 Sep 3 1995 BGUIMenu-Install
[generic] 519 1258 41.3% -lh5- 2e26 Sep 5 1995 BGUIMenu-Install.info
[generic] 9587 24264 39.5% -lh5- 71a1 Sep 5 1995 BGUIMenu.guide
[generic] 676 1446 46.7% -lh5- be30 Sep 5 1995 BGUIMenu.guide.info
[generic] 394 835 47.2% -lh5- 2cf3 Sep 5 1995 BGUIMenu.info
[generic] 2075 4698 44.2% -lh5- 1d2f Sep 5 1995 BGUIMenu.readme
[generic] 541 993 54.5% -lh5- 8b75 Sep 5 1995 Examples.info
[generic] 209 332 63.0% -lh5- a130 Sep 4 1995 Examples/Example1
[generic] 338 1035 32.7% -lh5- ab6d Sep 5 1995 Examples/Example1.info
[generic] 194 350 55.4% -lh5- 1422 Sep 3 1995 Examples/Example1.menu
[generic] 378 758 49.9% -lh5- eb66 Sep 5 1995 Examples/Example2.def
[generic] 94 117 80.3% -lh5- 1d34 Feb 17 1991 Examples/Script1
[generic] 125 189 66.1% -lh5- 74cb Feb 17 1991 Examples/Script2
[generic] 1031 3260 31.6% -lh5- 6f20 Sep 2 1995 Examples/Unpack
[generic] 98 116 84.5% -lh5- 01de Sep 2 1995 Examples/Unpack.menu1
[generic] 53054 108328 49.0% -lh5- d0b5 Jul 17 1995 libs/bgui.library
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 79299 173335 45.7% Sep 7 1995
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