84782 packages online
pix/wb/lammy_WB.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | 2 screenshots of my WB showing internet SW |
Author: | markus.lamers tu-clausthal.de (Markus Lamers) |
Uploader: | markus lamers tu-clausthal de (Markus Lamers) |
Type: | pix/wb |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1996-03-29 |
Download: | pix/wb/lammy_WB.lha - View contents | Readme: | pix/wb/lammy_WB.readme |
Downloads: | 269 |
Here are two screenshots of my WB showing the internet SW of my daily use.
I am always interested in in other people WB pictures to see how they
have configured their working environment.
So I thought its time to show my WB to the great puplic.
My System:
Amiga 4000/40, 18MB RAM, 1.2GB Harddisk, Mitsumi FX001D CD-ROM,
GG2+ BridgeBoard together with NE2000 Ethernet card, IdekLiyama VisioMaster,
WB running on RetinaZ3 with CyberGraphX 1152x864x8bit.
For more information about me or my configuration you can visit my homepage.
http://www.tu-clausthal.de/~inmla/ or my own server that runs on my Amiga
The pictures:
lammy_WB1.gif :
- IBrowse V0.82 showing the homepage of the CeBIT. It was given to IBrowse
with my SendBrowser.amirx from the URL-Grabber of AmIRC.
This script can be found either in /comm/tcp on Aminet or within the
release version 1.1 of AmIRC.
For information about IBrowse visit http://www.omnipresence.com/ibrowse/
- AmIRC V1.1 ... in the main window you see me on channel #amigager, in the
lower right corner you se the notify window, above a DCC-Chat window and
above the mentioned URL-Grabber window.
For more information about AmIRC visit http://www.vapor.com/support/amirc/
lammy_WB2.gif :
- MindWalker V0.61 showing the homepage of our dormitory.
- RETU (Really Easy To Use) Mailer, this is another (not yet finisht)
project of VaporWare (http://www.vapor.com/support/retu/).
- AmFTP V1.55 just downloading the Recent-File from AmiNET in ADT-Mode.
- napsaterm connected to our server (running Linux) and reading news
with tin.
If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact me ;-)
Markus "lammy" Lamers
__ / / Markus Lamers, Oster"oderstr.6/Zi.26, 38678 Clausthal, Tel.: 05323-4626
\_X_/ markus.lamers@tu-clausthal.de | http://www.tu-clausthal.de/~inmla/
A4000/40/18MB/1.2GB/Mitsumi FX001D, CDROM-Kit/GG2+, EtherNET, Idek MF8617
Apple Newton MessagePad 120
Contents of pix/wb/lammy_WB.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 190618 190618 100.0% -lh0- 03e9 Mar 28 1996 lammy_WB1.gif
[generic] 160078 160078 100.0% -lh0- be9a Mar 28 1996 lammy_WB2.gif
[generic] 1205 2292 52.6% -lh5- 6ad7 Mar 28 1996 lammy_WB.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 351901 352988 99.7% Mar 29 1996
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