This Workbench screenshot is supporting the new IFF RGFX standard suggested
by Andreas Kleinert and is packed with the XPK NUKE library.
The IFF RGFX Datatype is available in util/dtype/rgfx_dt.lha
Short: Datatype for the new IFF-RGFX-Format (V43.0)
Author: (Achim Stegemann)
Uploader: (Achim Stegemann)
Type: util/dtype
Version: 43.0
Requires: OS 3.x
MC68020 or better
Additionally recommended:
* xpkmaster.library V2.x or better for Xpk compression.
* CyberGraphX with picture.datatype V43.x for 24-bit images.
If you use this datatype under non-CyberGraphX system, 24-bit
images are currently refused.
With the help of the rgfx.datatype, your datatype sytem is able to read images
coded in the new IFF-RGFX-Format created by Andreas Kleinert.
This archive is Freeware !
Do with it what you want, as long as you do not remove any files from this archive !
This archive also contains the utility 'DT2RGFX'. This converts a datatype picture
to the new IFF-RGFX-Format !
Source code in C and ASM of both programs is included !!
Image size: 800*600*24
Saving in RGB24 mode.
Using Xpk packer NUKE.
Writing IFF-RGFX file ...
Conversion finished.
Copyright (C) 1997 by Kimme Utsi (ATO Norge).
All rights reserved.
Kimme Utsi, 10-Dec-97 20:36:56
Using a4000, CyberStorm 060, CyberVision 64 and Thor 2.5a
/nick boundless on Undernet, #AmigaCafe
"Amiga makes IT possible, Mac makes it expensive
and Win95 just makes Bill Gates rich...."