- AmigaAMP 2.8 (Beta 4?) introduced a new playlist format, which would
also save the artist, title and lenght information for faster loading.
This format has been changed again slightly with Version 2.8 Beta7.
AampPlaylistConvert-r simply converts those pre 2.8 Beta7 playlists
to the new format.
- Use at your own risk! I cannot be held responsible for
any damage it may cause, either to hardware or to software.
- Should run on almost every Amiga with installed ixemul.library.
- After extracting the archive, just copy the executable anywhere
you want it.
AampPlaylistConvert-r <Inputfile> <Outputfile>
- If you find a bug or anything, PLEASE mail me and i'll try to fix it.
- If the inputfile is not an AmigaAMP playlist file, outputfile will be created anyways and
contain rubbish.
- This is just a quick (but not dirty :) release, I don't expect to develop it any further
and it hasn't been optimized to be user-proof, so don't do things with it, which it
isn't made for (e.g. don't specify the inputfile to be also the outputfile or things like that).
1.1 recognises now if inputfile is not of expected type
Please mail me if you use it:
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