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- Ausgabe:5 der Amiga 4ever -
Viel Spass beim schmökern....
============================= Archive contents ========================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1352 724 46.4% 13-Dec-98 23:52:14 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5.info
277280 107510 61.2% 13-Dec-98 20:22:44 +Amiga4ever.Ausg.5.guide
383 182 52.4% 10-Dec-98 23:36:02 +Amiga4ever_Ausg.5
5255 970 81.5% 13-Dec-98 20:25:32 +Amiga4ever_Ausg.5.info
11432 10926 4.4% 16-Oct-98 08:56:08 +amfmplay
560 443 20.8% 16-Oct-98 08:56:14 +echo
16702 5223 68.7% 13-Dec-98 23:51:34 +M1
161124 105628 34.4% 13-Dec-98 23:51:36 +M2
11284 6178 45.2% 16-Oct-98 08:56:10 +More
168012 82553 50.8% 13-Dec-98 23:51:42 +pic
10924 3351 69.3% 13-Dec-98 23:51:42 +pic2
11686 3770 67.7% 13-Dec-98 23:51:42 +pic3
57326 54950 4.1% 13-Dec-98 23:51:42 +pic4
8676 1522 82.4% 13-Dec-98 23:51:42 +pic5
52384 32086 38.7% 13-Dec-98 23:51:42 +pic6
117292 62369 46.8% 13-Dec-98 23:51:42 +pic7
5180 3618 30.1% 16-Oct-98 08:56:12 +PPshow
2144 1339 37.5% 16-Oct-98 08:56:12 +Run
15760 15193 3.5% 16-Oct-98 08:56:10 +Smp
2311 649 71.9% 11-Dec-98 00:07:20 +Die4everCharts
463 234 49.4% 13-Dec-98 20:25:32 +Die4everCharts.info
12160 5314 56.2% 13-Dec-98 20:23:02 +Informationen
4907 822 83.2% 13-Dec-98 20:25:32 +Informationen.info
19928 10274 48.4% 12-Jan-80 19:57:36 +medplayer.library
6861 2640 61.5% 11-Dec-98 00:12:52 +MachMit!!!
463 235 49.2% 13-Dec-98 20:25:32 +MachMit!!!.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
981849 518703 47.1% 13-Dec-98 23:53:06 26 files
Contents of mags/german/Amiga4ever5.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 724 1352 53.6% -lh5- 9153 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5.info
[generic] 107510 277280 38.8% -lh5- a3f7 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/Amiga4ever.Ausg.5.guide
[generic] 182 383 47.5% -lh5- cc90 Dec 10 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/Amiga4ever_Ausg.5
[generic] 970 5255 18.5% -lh5- bb9d Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/Amiga4ever_Ausg.5.info
[generic] 10926 11432 95.6% -lh5- bbdc Oct 16 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/amfmplay
[generic] 443 560 79.1% -lh5- 3062 Oct 16 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/echo
[generic] 5223 16702 31.3% -lh5- 3eb4 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/M1
[generic] 105628 161124 65.6% -lh5- 775c Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/M2
[generic] 6178 11284 54.8% -lh5- 7e2d Oct 16 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/More
[generic] 82553 168012 49.1% -lh5- bbaa Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/pic
[generic] 3351 10924 30.7% -lh5- 1a76 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/pic2
[generic] 3770 11686 32.3% -lh5- a899 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/pic3
[generic] 54950 57326 95.9% -lh5- 9e52 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/pic4
[generic] 1522 8676 17.5% -lh5- 1b7f Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/pic5
[generic] 32086 52384 61.3% -lh5- 97d9 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/pic6
[generic] 62369 117292 53.2% -lh5- 14f9 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/pic7
[generic] 3618 5180 69.8% -lh5- 43d4 Oct 16 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/PPshow
[generic] 1339 2144 62.5% -lh5- 87c2 Oct 16 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/Run
[generic] 15193 15760 96.4% -lh5- a0d5 Oct 16 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/c/Smp
[generic] 649 2311 28.1% -lh5- 33a7 Dec 11 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/Die4everCharts
[generic] 234 463 50.5% -lh5- feb9 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/Die4everCharts.info
[generic] 5314 12160 43.7% -lh5- 8a27 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/Informationen
[generic] 822 4907 16.8% -lh5- 8905 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/Informationen.info
[generic] 10274 19928 51.6% -lh5- 7877 Jan 12 1980 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/libs/medplayer.library
[generic] 2640 6861 38.5% -lh5- 5345 Dec 11 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/MachMit!!!
[generic] 235 463 50.8% -lh5- 7156 Dec 13 1998 Amiga4ever.Ausg.5/MachMit!!!.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 26 files 518703 981849 52.8% Dec 21 1998
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