84783 packages online
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
65272 60926 6.6% 16-Dec-94 21:05:24 +Cave
4310 738 82.8% 16-Dec-94 21:05:28 +CaveBlocks
212 139 34.4% 16-Dec-94 21:05:30 +CavePal
44984 40586 9.7% 16-Dec-94 21:05:46 +Country
4310 580 86.5% 16-Dec-94 21:05:50 +CountryBlocks
212 141 33.4% 16-Dec-94 21:05:56 +CountryPal
58988 57535 2.4% 16-Dec-94 21:06:14 +GameMusic
7852 7750 1.2% 16-Dec-94 21:06:18 +Intro1
3220 3000 6.8% 16-Dec-94 21:06:20 +intro2
4132 3541 14.3% 16-Dec-94 21:06:24 +Intro3
184 184 0.0% 16-Dec-94 21:06:30 +Intro4
2028 1922 5.2% 16-Dec-94 21:06:32 +Intro5
13308 12891 3.1% 16-Dec-94 21:06:38 +Intro6
308 236 23.3% 16-Dec-94 21:06:40 +Intro7
42608 41788 1.9% 16-Dec-94 21:06:52 +IntroMusic
2936 2624 10.6% 16-Dec-94 21:06:56 +O1
4052 3749 7.4% 16-Dec-94 21:07:02 +O2
74490 44700 39.9% 16-Dec-94 21:07:14 +SoundFX
264 29 89.0% 16-Dec-94 21:49:28 +micro4.font
1500 732 51.2% 16-Dec-94 21:49:24 +6
75588 70986 6.0% 16-Dec-94 21:07:32 +Mandel
4310 396 90.8% 16-Dec-94 21:07:36 +MandelBlocks
212 127 40.0% 16-Dec-94 21:07:38 +MandelPal
920 111 87.9% 16-Dec-94 21:07:46 +L1
157 65 58.5% 16-Dec-94 21:07:46 +L1_Ed
920 143 84.4% 16-Dec-94 21:07:50 +L2
186 76 59.1% 16-Dec-94 21:07:52 +L2_Ed
920 72 92.1% 16-Dec-94 21:07:52 +L3
177 57 67.7% 16-Dec-94 21:07:54 +L3_Ed
920 55 94.0% 16-Dec-94 21:07:58 +L4
179 57 68.1% 16-Dec-94 21:08:00 +L4_Ed
920 74 91.9% 16-Dec-94 21:08:02 +L5
167 70 58.0% 16-Dec-94 21:08:02 +L5_Ed
920 79 91.4% 16-Dec-94 21:08:04 +L6
175 81 53.7% 16-Dec-94 21:08:06 +L6_Ed
920 63 93.1% 16-Dec-94 21:08:08 +L7
178 64 64.0% 16-Dec-94 21:08:08 +L7_Ed
920 100 89.1% 16-Dec-94 21:08:12 +L8
175 74 57.7% 16-Dec-94 21:08:14 +L8_Ed
920 75 91.8% 16-Dec-94 21:08:14 +L9
184 75 59.2% 16-Dec-94 21:08:16 +L9_Ed
48888 45895 6.1% 16-Dec-94 21:08:32 +Mount
4310 563 86.9% 16-Dec-94 21:08:34 +MountBlocks
212 137 35.3% 16-Dec-94 21:08:36 +MountPal
79320 78444 1.1% 16-Dec-94 21:08:50 +SuperO
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
557868 481730 13.6% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00 45 files
Contents of game/jump/OrangeMan.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 60926 65272 93.3% -lh5- 01b8 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Cavern/Cave
[generic] 738 4310 17.1% -lh5- fbc5 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Cavern/CaveBlocks
[generic] 139 212 65.6% -lh5- 50c7 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Cavern/CavePal
[generic] 40586 44984 90.2% -lh5- 7837 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Country/Country
[generic] 580 4310 13.5% -lh5- e25a Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Country/CountryBlocks
[generic] 141 212 66.5% -lh5- 2df0 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Country/CountryPal
[generic] 57535 58988 97.5% -lh5- 6463 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/GameMusic
[generic] 7750 7852 98.7% -lh5- f14b Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/Intro1
[generic] 3000 3220 93.2% -lh5- ee49 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/intro2
[generic] 3541 4132 85.7% -lh5- b14f Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/Intro3
[generic] 184 184 100.0% -lh0- b40e Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/Intro4
[generic] 1922 2028 94.8% -lh5- 18ec Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/Intro5
[generic] 12891 13308 96.9% -lh5- b2da Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/Intro6
[generic] 236 308 76.6% -lh5- ab68 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/Intro7
[generic] 41788 42608 98.1% -lh5- d47a Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/IntroMusic
[generic] 2624 2936 89.4% -lh5- cf3a Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/O1
[generic] 3749 4052 92.5% -lh5- 3599 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/O2
[generic] 44700 74490 60.0% -lh5- 1d2e Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Data/SoundFX
[generic] 29 264 11.0% -lh5- 76af Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/fonts/micro4.font
[generic] 732 1500 48.8% -lh5- 6b3d Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/fonts/micro4/6
[generic] 70986 75588 93.9% -lh5- f398 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Fractal/Mandel
[generic] 396 4310 9.2% -lh5- 436b Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Fractal/MandelBlocks
[generic] 127 212 59.9% -lh5- c278 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Fractal/MandelPal
[generic] 111 920 12.1% -lh5- c8ff Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L1
[generic] 65 157 41.4% -lh5- 00b3 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L1_Ed
[generic] 143 920 15.5% -lh5- d982 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L2
[generic] 76 186 40.9% -lh5- c41c Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L2_Ed
[generic] 72 920 7.8% -lh5- 5cfd Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L3
[generic] 57 177 32.2% -lh5- 2fa4 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L3_Ed
[generic] 55 920 6.0% -lh5- 5fc0 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L4
[generic] 57 179 31.8% -lh5- d176 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L4_Ed
[generic] 74 920 8.0% -lh5- 89c3 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L5
[generic] 70 167 41.9% -lh5- 42ad Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L5_Ed
[generic] 79 920 8.6% -lh5- 1b56 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L6
[generic] 81 175 46.3% -lh5- cba7 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L6_Ed
[generic] 63 920 6.8% -lh5- dfc9 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L7
[generic] 64 178 36.0% -lh5- 8aae Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L7_Ed
[generic] 100 920 10.9% -lh5- 175b Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L8
[generic] 74 175 42.3% -lh5- 89a4 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L8_Ed
[generic] 75 920 8.2% -lh5- d1c1 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L9
[generic] 75 184 40.8% -lh5- 27f8 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Levels/L9_Ed
[generic] 45895 48888 93.9% -lh5- e8e8 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Mountains/Mount
[generic] 563 4310 13.1% -lh5- ab90 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Mountains/MountBlocks
[generic] 137 212 64.6% -lh5- e1b1 Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/Mountains/MountPal
[generic] 78444 79320 98.9% -lh5- 81af Dec 16 1994 OrangeMan/SuperO
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 45 files 481730 557868 86.4% Sep 2 1995
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