* a 1200/4000 Amiga with AGA Chipset, ´coz there are some 256 colour gfx
* Amiga OS 2.0 or higher with AmigaGuide/Multiview
Short description:
!BONZAIs Project Pitchfork Homepage/Guide
SOURCE: ... Project Pitchfork Homepage
This one´s a collection of Project Pitchfork related stuff, such as:
* Biography
* Discography
* Lyrics
* Pictures (only covers in this package, get the PAGP!)
* Soundfiles (not in this package, look into the guide for further details!)
* Tourdates
* Fanclub Adresses
* Management Informations
Included in this package:
* FastView ... to view the GIF-images
* FastJPEG ... to view the JPG-images
* JPEGa ... to play the sound-MPEG´s
Just install this stuff in your C: !
GFX and SND drawer should exist in the guide drawer!