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Note: You MUST have both "rexxreqtools.library" and
"rexxmathlib.library" installed in order for the scripts to work. I
recommend that you obtain the complete archives from aminet.
"rexxreqtools.library" v37.71 copyright 1992-1994 Rafael D'Halleweyn
"rexxmathlib.library" v38.01 copyright 1995 Thomas Richter
Neither library may be used for commercial purposes without the
express consent of the copyright holder.
The archive tcalc_stats.lha should contain the following arexx files:
anova_Oneway.rexx ANOVA_TwoWay.rexx
ANOVA_TWOWAY_NO_REP.rexx Chi-Sq_2_Ind_Sam.rexx
Correlation.rexx Covariance.rexx
Descriptive_Stats.rexx Exponential_Smooth.rexx
F_Ratio.rexx Histogram.rexx
Moving_Average.rexx Rank&Percentile.rexx
Regression.rexx T-test_Corr_Sample.rexx
T-test_IndSamples.rexx T-test_IndSamples_UneqVar.rexx
and one TurboCalc file:
STATS_Macros.TCD STATS_Macros.TCD.info
and one help file:
Stats_Help.txt Stats_Help.txt.info
Put the arexx files in the TurboCalc/Arexx drawer. Put the
"STATS_Macros" and the "Stats_Help.txt" files anywhere you like.
The Arexx macros can be started either from a Shell or from within
If started from a Shell, each file will check to see that TurboCalc is
running and, if it is not, will start it and present the user with a
"File/Open" requester. Load in the file you want to work on.**
To start from within TurboCalc, open the spreadsheet you have the data
on **, then open the "STATS_Macros" file. The macro sheet contains
macros to start each of the Arexx files. Their names appear in the
"Play..." macro requester. Make sure your data spreadsheet is active
before choosing the Macro to play.
** This assumes you already have the data organised as required for
the macro (see the included "Stats_Help.txt" file).
Contents of biz/spread/tcalc_stats.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 258 628 41.1% -lh5- b0c3 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX.info
[generic] 2012 5483 36.7% -lh5- 145c Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/anova_Oneway.rexx
[generic] 2753 8906 30.9% -lh5- 1b87 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/ANOVA_TwoWay.rexx
[generic] 2290 6851 33.4% -lh5- 955d Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/ANOVA_TWOWAY_NO_REP.rexx
[generic] 2018 4966 40.6% -lh5- ba1d Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Chi-Sq_2_Ind_Sam.rexx
[generic] 1755 4389 40.0% -lh5- 68fc Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Correlation.rexx
[generic] 1741 4366 39.9% -lh5- fe0f Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Covariance.rexx
[generic] 2597 7342 35.4% -lh5- b7d0 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Descriptive_Stats.rexx
[generic] 1672 3928 42.6% -lh5- e1e4 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Exponential_Smooth.rexx
[generic] 1710 4280 40.0% -lh5- 0cf4 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/F_Ratio.rexx
[generic] 1986 5072 39.2% -lh5- a768 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Histogram.rexx
[generic] 257 628 40.9% -lh5- 3eef Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/LIBS.info
[generic] 3376 5448 62.0% -lh5- 2791 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/LIBS/rexxmathlib.library
[generic] 6534 11664 56.0% -lh5- 40e4 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/LIBS/rexxreqtools.library
[generic] 1443 3464 41.7% -lh5- 1d02 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Moving_Average.rexx
[generic] 1842 4954 37.2% -lh5- e73d Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Rank&Percentile.rexx
[generic] 2111 5310 39.8% -lh5- a18f Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Regression.rexx
[generic] 8235 25689 32.1% -lh5- 1315 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Stats_Help.txt
[generic] 321 841 38.2% -lh5- b452 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/Stats_Help.txt.info
[generic] 1292 4079 31.7% -lh5- 14a4 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/STATS_Macros.TCD
[generic] 266 468 56.8% -lh5- a613 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/STATS_Macros.TCD.info
[generic] 1843 4533 40.7% -lh5- dd8b Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/T-test_Corr_Sample.rexx
[generic] 1848 4648 39.8% -lh5- 4af7 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/T-test_IndSamples.rexx
[generic] 1917 4796 40.0% -lh5- 3767 Oct 31 1996 TCALC_AREXX/T-test_IndSamples_UneqVar.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 24 files 52077 132733 39.2% Oct 31 1996
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Müller and the Aminet team.
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