Short:        HQ 16-bit Stereo RIFF WAV Samples!
Author: (Helge Kvalheim
Uploader:     hkva2 online no (Helge Kvalheim)
Type:         mods/smpl
Replaces:     mods/smpl/Walkabout16.lha
Requires:     68k/PPC-Amiga, lots of FastRAM, any multi-tracker like OMSS V1.03c
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Aminet

16-bit Stereo RIFF WAV Walkabout Music Samples!!!
For the first time in 32 years, the high quality
Walkabout Music Samples will now be FREE on Aminet,
for ALL Amiga users whom love to compose music with
their favourite multi-tracker, like OctaMED SoundStudio!

Not only that, but the high quality samples that were once
saved as 8-bit IFF, are now re-saved as 16-bit stereo RIFF WAV samples,
making this collection the highest quality of samples for the Amiga!

Walkabout Music Samples were once part of OctaMED V6 and SoundStudio when
RBF Software owned the rights. When Commodore went bankrupt, RBF Software
stopped developing the tracker and its' belonging to the Amiga, and moved
over to PC. The Walkabout Music Samples collection therefore became almost
impossible to get for the Amiga, and it has been my decision to help the
Amiga community easily optain this collection, 32 years later! Now it's here!

Long gone is the 8-bit, and it has been time to make more use of 16-bit samples!
There's definitely a clearness in vibration and a deep feeling of bass using 16-bit!

In this fine collection, there is a huge collection of many different instruments and
a couple of sound effects! Instruments like African, American, Analog and Digital Bass,
Drumkits and loops, Bass Guitars, Guitars, Far East, Panflutes, Violins, Pianos, Strings,
Brass, Choirs and many others! All these in 16-bit Stereo quality for the very first time!

The 16-bit collection in the Walkabout collection, is only in 16-bit, containing a couple of
other 16-bit samples, part of the collection. To turn on the Stereo of these samples, run
OctaMED SoundStudio v1.03c, go into Type below the instrument lines. You see they're already
in 16-bit, but there is also a button called Stereo. If not turnt on, then do so.

The main Walkabout16 collection, as it's now called, has ALL the samples in 16-bit Stereo!

This is my gift to all of you! Here it is - The 16-bit Stereo RIFF WAV Walkabout Music Collection!

Now, you can compose your Amiga music in Studio quality, just like I have done with my own music!

Walkabout Music Samples Collection, now for FREE on Aminet!