Short: Original platform game with a twist Author: Chris 'stoff' Nodder and Colin 'Wilf' Bridgeman Uploader: doobs <doobury gmail com> Type: game/jump Version: 2007 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 1.3.0 --- ELECTREK --- Developed by Chris 'stoff' Nodder and Colin 'Wilf' Bridgeman, to name but a few ! Guide Ralph around the maze of wires, switching the switches and avoiding the many hazards along the way. More info in the package. Game graphics by Wilf. Original musics by stoff. Level design by stoff, Wilf, Doobs and members of the H.C.C.S Hi-scores saved to disk Long live Heworth Castle ! Should work on all Amigas OS 1.3 > but no AGA!!!!!