From: (Paul Keck)
Subject: MINI-REVIEW: Viewtex 1.03
Date: 10 Jan 1993 02:58:20 GMT
Organization: The Amiga Online Review Column - ed. Daniel Barrett
Lines: 51
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Reply-To: (Paul Keck)
Keywords: graphics, viewer, IFF, anim, freeware

	This is a mini-review of the new Amiga graphics file viewer
Viewtek.  It's on Fish disk 787 (v 1.02), and also on the ftp site and its mirrors.  (I got it off last
week, v 1.03).  The following description is from Fred Fish's public


A feature packed  Picture/Animation Viewer.  Shows most ILBM's
(including 24-bit ILBM's), most Compuserve GIF format images,
most JFIF format JPEG images and most ANIM Op-5 format ani-
mations, with support for different palettes for each frame.
Supports SHAM, CTBL, and PCHG images, full support of ECS/AGA
display modes (ie. show 256 color GIF's directly, show 800x600
HAM animations, etc.).  Supports viewing contents of clipboard.
Iconifies to a Workbench AppIcon.  Includes a version written
for GVP's Impact Vision 24, to support true 24-bit display.
Version 1.02, requires Workbench 2.04+, binary only.
Author:  Thomas Krehbiel

	Like I wrote up there, I have v 1.03, and Fred says he has 1.02.
So, I suppose if you want the latest go to the net.

	Viewtek can scroll using CTRL-arrow keys, or with the mouse.  You
seem to have to move the (invisible) pointer to the edge of the screen before
it will start moving in that direction.  In this _ONE_ respect, it isn't the
God of All Viewing Programs (tm), but that's the only one!  I'll gladly deal
with it.  The program can also take a wildcard filename or an entire
directory as input, so no more screwing around trying to remember the exact

	What I think is best about it is that it can be specified as a
default tool on a picture's icon, so the file can just be clicked to show
it!  I was asking about a program like this a few months ago on the net, but
no luck.  Coupled with 'Icon', which assigns default icons to GIF files, I
can now view them without conversion, by clicking!  It's a lazy man's
paradise.  Now I just have to hack up the 'Icon' code to auto-detect JPEG

	All in all, THE best single display program for the Amiga!  Accept no
substitutes.  Tom, I couldn't find an Email address for you in the docs, so
I'll say it publically -- let me have your babies.  ;-)


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