Short:        Closes Intuition windows via a hotkey
Author: (Tony Bybell)
Uploader:     bybell cse psu edu (Tony Bybell)
Type:         util/wb
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This short little utility patches the IE eventlist so that window closing
events may also be signaled in terms of *other* events.  The upshot of this
is that you can define key combinations to close windows on the screen.
Currently, the file "IESupport.a" is set up to use a CTRL-\ combination.
You may change this to whatever you like--just make sure you use the right
IECLASS and IEQUALIFIERB values.  (They can be found in the include files
for your compiler/assembler.)

Note that you can patch other events as well--f.e., use this to emulate a
middle mouse button.

To compile this, simply run the .c file--it'll take care of the rest.  (at
least it does under my ancient SAS C compiler ;) To install, insert a line

run <nil: >nil: c:WinCloser 

into your s:user-startup.  To kill the patch, run it again and the new copy
will signal the old one and kill it.

This program is very stable--I've been using it for the past 3 years with
no problems on my A4000.

Have fun!
26nov96 tony