Short: Date/Time util for users without clock! Author: Krisztián Gesztiványi ( Uploader: Krisztián Gesztiványi (qxyka elender hu) Type: util/wb Version: 2.1 Replaces: util/wb/DateX_V20.lha Requires: Amiga, 68k, OS2.0+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $VER: DateX V2.1 readme file [2K.01.16] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - What's this??? If you haven't got a battery backed up clock in your Amiga, or the battery has low power, you need to set Date/Time after every boot. Lots of people has Time prefs in his WBstartup, but that program has a big GUI and sticky usage! By using DateX you can EASY set the current Date/Time, because the previous setting has been saved in a file. Next time when DateX loaded, this file will be used to setting the gadgets! You ONLY need to ADJUST the Min, Hour, sometimes the Day, Month and Year too. - Features: Font sensitive GUI! Easy to use! ;) Leap year and "days of month" checking! - Installation: Just copy it and it's info file to your WBstartup directory. - Usage: The program's window contains five sliders. The labels on left side shows what means the sliders value. These values displayed on the right side. You just set the corresponding values then press the right mousebutton. The program will be set the system time and save it to file "" to later use... If you don't want to set the time, just close the window or press ANY key to quit! - ToolTypes: FONTNAME: Name of user preferred font. (With ".font" extension!) Default: "topaz.font" FONTSIZE: Size of user preferred font. Default: 8 If you want to use the WB's screen font, simply set this tooltype to -1. (0 causes wrong GUI!) (Note: "RMBABORT" and "KEYABORT" tooltypes no longer valid!) - Known bugs: The big lame Y2K bug was removed. I hope, nobody finds another... - Other: This software *FREEWARE*, USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!! - Author: DateX V2.1 --- (C)Innerspace Research [2K.01.16] Send your suggestions, bugreports to: