Short:        Copper-rainbows on ALL pubscreens. V3.2
Author: (Valenta Ferenc)
Uploader:     vf caesar elte hu (Valenta Ferenc)
Type:         util/wb
Requires:     AGA chipset, 68EC020 or better, Kickstart 3.0 or better
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

          commodities.library V39
          reqtools.library V38 (© Nico Francois & Magnus Holmgren)
          screennotify.library V1 recommended (© Stefan Becker)
Version:  3.2 (14.12.96)

Copper-Demon lets you create rainbow color effects for a selectable pen
color number on public screens, using the entire 16 million color range
of the AGA chips. You specify max. 32 colors (but at least 2), and
Copper-Demon will make a smooth color change by setting a new color
value on every scanline. Written in pure, highly optimized assembly.

Most important changes since last version:

  o Keyboard shortcuts added
  o Borderblank option added
  o Screen names with spaces now handled correctly
  o Some bugs fixed

For more information, look at the guide.