Short:        Datatype for Photo-CD Images (44.3)
Author: (Achim Stegemann)
Uploader:     achimste gmx de (Achim Stegemann)
Type:         util/dtype
Version:      44.3
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Requires minimum:
 * OS 3.5
 * A mounted PIPE: handler !!
 * ixemul.library V39
 * Lots of stack for the decode tool !!!

Additionally recommended:
 * MUI 3.8 for the preferences.


This PCD datatype is for OS 3.5 only !!
Download util/dtype/PCD-DT.lha under OS 3.0 or OS 3.1 !!


With the help of the pcd.datatype, your datatype sytem is able to read Photo-CD images.

This datatype is freeware and can be used for any purpose.


Changes since version 44.2:
* Cleaned up ramlib-stuff (thx to Oliver Roberts)