Short: ARexx host which expands words = saves typing Author: Peter Liljenberg, Uploader: Peter Liljenberg, c96petli und ida liu se Type: text/misc Version: 1.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos RExpand 1.0 Some text editors (e.g. GoldEd and ProgED) can expand words, i.e. look up a word in a list and replace it with one or more words. RExpand gives this power to editors which haven't this feature. RExpand is an ARexx host which will expand words. So if your text editor have an ARexx interface, it can communicate with RExpand via an Arexx script. Not only text editors can use RExpand, any program with an ARexx port can use it. So you can use RExpand with a data base program to simplify input of data, or you could let it enter complex formulas in a spreadsheat with just a few keypresses. Even word processors like FinalWriter or WordWorth 5 can use RExpand! Features: - A requester can be opened if there is several possible matches, to let the user choose the correct replacement string. The requester can be opened on any public screen. - ARexx scripts are included for the editors PolyEd, Annotate, Edt, BlacksEditor, TKEd and SkoEd. - Small! Uses only 30 kb of memory when running. - Several shell utilites are included. - Replacement strings can be written to a file. - Data files can be located anywhere, and can be added and removed with an ARexx command. - Data files for the Amiga includes are supplied, with ARexx macros for generating these files as well. - Data files can be edited with an ordinary text editor; no need for a preferences program. - If there is more than one match, all found replacement strings can be returned in a stem variable. - Replacement strings can contain escaped characters for newlines, tabs or any other special character. - Source code is included, with public domain status.