Short:        HTML import script for Wordworth 5+
Author: (Heiko Kuschel)
Uploader:     hkuschel mayn de (Heiko Kuschel)
Type:         text/dtp
Version:      3.0
Requires:     Digita WordWorth 5.0+
Architecture: generic

This is the text for the original archive, which I call version 2.0:

Improved version of Import_HTML.rexx Wizard as supplied with Digita WordWorth 5.0.

The original version from Digita had some formatting bugs in, and failed to handle
long lines of text very well.

Installation: Copy into WwRexx/ directory under your WordWorth directory.
This version, while still being far from perfect, produces much better WordWorth documents
than the original. It still only handles very simple html, ie. it cannot cope with images, frames,
forms, nested lists, etc., but works reasonably well for simple documents.

Main features:
Handles lists, rulers, text centering, "&*;" special characters, long lines, and it might even
be a bit quicker.
Adrian Barnett

Note: This archive is WebWare - if you use it, you have to visit my Web Page =)

... and this is new:
Changes made by Heiko Kuschel <>
Uploaded with kind permission from Adrian Barnett.

New in this version:
- Some modifications in code made it up to 3 times faster.
- configurable font and font size (edit the script)
- handling of German Umlauts. If you want it to handle more characters, please contact me
- some minor changes.

This is a preliminary release. I had a much better version before my HD crash. :-(
As I don't find the time to make it better again, I'm uploading this version in between.

The email address is probably only valid until August 1999. A newer version should be out by
that time. If not, have a look at to find me in the authors section.

Do with the archive whatever you want. But if you upload a newer version, please ask the "old"
authors first.