Short:        Amigaball on the way (Tornado3D)
Author:       Andreas Weyrauch (
Uploader:     phenz ibm net
Type:         pix/trace
Architecture: generic

This picture was created with the next Generation Raytracer
>>Tornado 3D<<.My rendering Hardware is:

*Classic PowerPC Amiga 4000T
*68060/50Mhz and PowerPC 604e 200Mhz (soon AmigaNG)
*Cybervision 64/3D 4MB
*Memory 50MB
*17" Belinea Monitor

*Art Effect V3.0
*Tornado 3D V2.1a
*Quality: AA High
*Resolution: 800*600
*rendering Time: 1Min. 17sec. (PowerPC in Action)

You can find more of my pictures under StarWars and StarWar
in the Aminet and on my privat Homepage.

Thanks to Patrick Henz (upload) and Jochen Abitz (tips and tricks for T3D)

My Homepage(Tornado3D)
Contact from Tornado3D User are welcome!!!!

Amiga and PC Club
Panorama Computer Club in Duisburg(Germany)


       Ein Bild von

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  *  *     * * *    DESIGN
  *  * *    * *   *          (create your own world)
                             (PowerPC the way into the future)


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