Short:        MRI scan of my spine,
Uploader:     slese merlin net au
Type:         pix/trace
Architecture: generic

    Picture rendered with Imagine of a slice of my spine using
    MRI (Magnetic Res Image).
    X-RAY digitised,in 2 colours saved as iff,imported into
    Imagine,extruded and given a texture.
    Result: 3d image of a slice of my spine.

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
  166946  141196 15.4% 20-Mar-96 11:44:16 +human_spine_bone.0001.a
     351     219 37.6% 10-May-96 21:13:26 +Spine1.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  167297  141415 15.4% 10-May-96 21:15:42   2 files