Short:        3D pictures for DCTV and Xspecs-3D
Uploader:     miked areaplg2 corp mot com
Type:         pix/trace
Architecture: generic

 Here's a bunch of 3d pictures made with Caligari 2. To view these
pictures you must have a DCTV and Xspecs-3D or equivalent LCD glasses.
Just use your favorite show program and something like the flipglas 
program by Ed Tannenbaum to view them. 

 The pictures were created by creating 2 separate images in Caligari
and then combining them into a single interlaced image with ADpro.
Included in the archive is an AREXX script that interlaces the two 
images together. It is called f3.adpro so that it can be easily run
from ADpro. You can rename it to anything you want.

 Making 3d pictures with Caligari is really easy. Just render the
same scene twice with slightly different camera positions for each
image. The way that you should move the camera or eye position is
to select screen mode and lock out y movement and then move the eye
to the left or right. If you move it to the left then this rendering
should be the left image. Make sure to save both images with different
names such as pic.l and pic.r so that you can tell them apart later when
you load them into ADpro. Be careful to not move the eye position too
much or the scene will be hard to view with the Xspecs glasses. 

 I hope you enjoy the pictures and if you have any comments or questions
please let me know.

  Mike Danielsen

included pictures:

Some of these picture use lightwave objects or robots from the Antic
Microbot design pack for Sculpt3d.