Short:        Re-upload of my MWB style icon-set #7
Author: (Roman Patzner)
Uploader:     patz ping at (Roman Patzner)
Type:         pix/mwb
Architecture: generic

Some asked me to re-upload my icon-sets to Aminet 'cause the older ones were
deleted (I don't know why). 
This is icon-set #7 (the archive is completely the same as the one on Aminet
CD #5.)

 Roman's Magic WB Icons 7                                         24-01-95

New, high quality, standard size, MagicWB2.0-style Icons/ImageDrawers and
other MWB-stuff.

RomIcons7 is (was) CARDWARE.

Roman Patzner
Hans-Kappacher-Str. 9/7
A-5600 St.Johann/Pongau
AUSTRIA (Mozart, Vienna, A.Schwarzenegger - but NO kangaroos)


Jesus said to them:
"Who do you say that I am?"
They replied:
"You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground
of our being, the kerygma of which we find the ultimate
meaning in our interpersonal relationships."

And Jesus said: "What?"