Short:        IMAGINE rendered Picture
Author: (Georges Segel)
Uploader:     ciev club-internet fr (Herve Sonneville)
Type:         pix/imagi
Architecture: generic

 Image: TEMPLEofZEUS1.jpg

 The size is 800x600 in 24bit IFF and converted to JPEG. 
 This Pic was rendered in the mode Trace of IMAGINE on 
 AMIGA 4000/25 18M HD1GO PicassoII.
 (It isn't the False Ray-Tracing of Studio3D ( = Icon Editor ))
 This archive may be uploaded anywhere, as long as it is kept complete 
 and intact.

 Copyright 1996 by Segel Georges 
 Thanks go to Amiga Technologies for keeping the Amiga alive !!
                    "ONLY AMIGA MAKES IT POSSIBLE"

 I hope you all enjoy it !

                             SEGEL Georges   Tuesday February 21, 1996

                                 Clichy La Garenne, France

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
  301254  301254  0.0% 18-Jul-94 00:22:02  TEMPLEofZEUS1.JPG
    1223     657 46.2% 31-Mar-96 17:17:46  TEMPLEofZEUS1.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  302477  301911  0.1% 31-Mar-96 17:18:52   2 files