84783 packages online


Showing: ppc-warpup icongeneric icon
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Found 285 matching packages
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
ArcTexture-II.lha pix/icon 4451 202K 1995-07-11 generic icon GFX for Texture-Mapping coders, by Arc! - (readme)
ArcsPack_2.lha pix/icon 4697 167K 1995-02-23 generic icon ECS/AGA WB Patterns by Arctangent Vol.2 - (readme)
ArcsPack-8.lha pix/icon 4705 1.0M 1995-05-22 generic icon AmigaDOS 3.1 Startup-Pix, Vol 8 by ARCTANGENT - (readme)
ArcsPack-17.lha pix/icon 4756 1.6M 1996-02-06 generic icon Workbench/MUI System Enhancement Package, Vol 17! - (readme)
ArcsPack-16.lha pix/icon 4726 1.7M 1996-01-04 generic icon Awesome Workbench/MUI System Enhancement Package, Vol 16! - (readme)
ArcsPack-15.lha pix/icon 4752 2.8M 1995-12-16 generic icon F*@#?\'ing *BEAUTIFUL* Workbench/MUI System Enhancement Package! - (readme)
ArcsPack-15-Lt.lha pix/icon 4534 1.9M 1995-12-19 generic icon ArcsPack-15 *LITE* version. Workbench/MUI System Enhancer! - (readme)
ArcsPack-14.lha pix/icon 5035 701K 1995-09-25 generic icon Professional Workbench/MUI Patterns & Backdrops, Vol. 14 - (readme)
ArcsPack-13.lha pix/icon 4724 570K 1995-08-08 generic icon Volume 13 of *THE BEST* WB Patterns for your Amiga! - (readme)
ArcsPack-12.lha pix/icon 4650 505K 1995-07-04 generic icon Arctangent\'s WB Patterns & Startup-Pix Vol 12! - (readme)
AnotherWorkben.lha pix/icon 4504 23K 1994-03-24 generic icon Some low-profile icons, pointers and palettes - (readme)
Aniptrs3.lha pix/icon 4575 25K 1990-10-28 generic icon Some more animated pointers. - (readme)
Aniptrs2.lha pix/icon 4479 21K 1990-08-12 generic icon Some more animated pointers. - (readme)
AniPtrs.lha pix/icon 4577 18K 1990-03-20 generic icon Cute animated pointers. - (readme)
AnimBrushes.lha pix/icon 4810 35K 1997-04-25 generic icon 23 AnimBrushes for Toolmanager-Docks (MagicWB-Style) - (readme)
amywb3.lha pix/icon 4770 507K 1995-11-20 generic icon AmyWB Icon pack Vol 3, amazing 1:1, 32 colors docks - (readme)
amywb2.lha pix/icon 4666 491K 1995-08-09 generic icon AmyWB Icon pack Vol 2, amazing 1:1, 32 colors docks - (readme)
amywb1.lha pix/icon 4932 250K 1995-07-30 generic icon AmyWB Icon pack Vol 1, amazing 32 colors, 1:1 resolution icons/docks - (readme)
ams_vcs3d_part1_60.lha pix/icon 4957 218K 2005-09-09 generic icon AMS \"VCS\" 3d icon theme. Part 1. 60x60. september 2005. - (readme)
AmiGG-Drawer.lha 1.1 pix/icon 5368 117K 2007-10-18 generic icon AmiGG-Drawer-Icons - (readme)
AmigaTechLogo.lha pix/icon 5288 33K 1995-06-25 generic icon Amiga Technologies Logo - (readme) 1.0a pix/icon 676 46K 2019-09-10 generic icon Icons for use with OS 1.3 and below. - (readme)
ALTTCP43icn.lha pix/icon 5384 6K 1996-04-10 generic icon Icons For AmiTCP 4.3 PRO - (readme)
AGA_Icons.lha pix/icon 5877 120K 1993-06-30 generic icon 16 color McVey icons for AGA. - (readme)
AbstractDrawer.lha pix/icon 5518 14K 1995-04-13 generic icon 20 Nice looking drawers. - (readme)
ABC-Patterns.lha pix/icon 5844 433K 1994-10-05 generic icon Update - 111 new Workbench-patterns!!! - (readme)
AB3Dicon.lha pix/icon 5648 2K 1995-11-01 generic icon Icon for Alien Breed 3D - MWB Style. - (readme)
8colTMbr.lha pix/icon 5581 8K 1996-05-26 generic icon 4 New 8 color brushes for Toolmanager and likewise. - (readme)
8Col-DockBrush.lha pix/icon 7198 42K 1993-06-07 generic icon ToolManager/AmiDock icons - (readme)
64ColorIconsV1.lha pix/icon 6122 401K 1996-10-23 generic icon Icons+ToolManager-Brushes in 64 Colors - (readme)
4ColMWBIcons.lha pix/icon 6181 6K 1993-11-08 generic icon 4 color icons inspired by MagicWB - (readme)
4Col-DockBrush.lha pix/icon 6864 36K 1993-06-07 generic icon ToolManager/AmiDock icons - (readme)
16_color_icons.lha pix/icon 7599 131K 1993-02-06 generic icon Dtiberio\'s 16 color icons - (readme)
16colricon.lha pix/icon 7661 97K 1992-12-30 generic icon 16 Color Icon Collection - (readme)
16ColDockBrush.lha pix/icon 8098 64K 1993-06-07 generic icon ToolManager/AmiDock icons - (readme)
Found 285 matching packages
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