Short:        MWB-style Blitz Basic Icons
Author:       Curt Esser
Uploader:     camge ix netcom com
Type:         pix/icon
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Wherever you like - they're free!

Well, they're just icons - nothing is really required, but they will
look kind of funny if you don't use a MWB pallette on your workbench!
You should also have Blitz Basic or else you really don't need 'em
(unless you just like to collect icons)

These are a set of MWB style replacements for the standard icons that come
with Blitz-Basic.  Included are icons for Blitz, Ted, 2 choices for SuperTed,
2 for the source codes, 2 for the executable, and a blitz-drawer.  Try 'em -
you might like 'em!