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util/wb/DefIconScripts.lha |
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--+ Introduction +--
Since changing the Default Tool in multiple DefIcons can be a rather tedious
task, I decided to create the included MakeDIconScript1 and MakeDIconScript2
files for making this a little easier. Upon running one of the scripts, Dirk
Stoecker's ProcessIcon command is used for getting info from the icons, which
is then used for creating a new script on the Ram disk. This file contains a
list over the DefIcons found on the system (Project type only) + the name of
whatever Tool they currently use.
After the Ram:DIconScript1 or Ram:DIconScript2 file has been created, it is
just a matter of opening and modifying it in a text editor. Here are some
examples of what lines it might contain:
;ProcessIcon Envarc:Sys/def_gif.info SDT "MultiView"
;ProcessIcon Envarc:Sys/def_ilbm.info SDT "MultiView"
;ProcessIcon Envarc:Sys/def_jpeg.info SDT "MultiView"
;ProcessIcon Envarc:Sys/def_png.info SDT "MultiView"
For changing the viewer used for these picture types, just replace MultiView
at the end of the line with the one you prefer. Do also remember to remove
the semicolon at the beginning as well, or else the line will be skipped.
When you are done, save the file and execute it for all changes to be applied
to the icons. Have in mind that you most likely will have to reboot the Amiga
after this is done for the changes to take effect.
The main difference between MakeDIconScript1 and MakeDIconScript2, is that
with the former, only the most common DefIcon types that's natural to have
a default tool for is listed (sorted by category), while with the latter,
ALL project DefIcons found is listed (but not sorted).
--+ Requirements +--
Any Amiga with Kickstart 2.04 or higher.
DefIcons installed on the system.
--+ Installation +--
Just copy the ProcessIcon executable to the C drawer of your boot partition,
then copy the scripts to wherever you like.
For more information about DefIconScripts and other stuff I have made, check
out my website at: www.rhz1.com
In addition, there is also my Amiga911 Maker project related website, which
can be found here: www.amiga911maker.site11.com
Contents of util/wb/DefIconScripts.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 1055 2248 46.9% -lh5- 4209 Nov 10 04:14 DefIconScripts.info
[generic] 1143 2401 47.6% -lh5- ab60 Nov 3 20:22 DefIconScripts/DefIconScripts.readme
[generic] 973 1981 49.1% -lh5- 43e0 Nov 4 02:59 DefIconScripts/DefIconScripts.readme.info
[generic] 1037 6435 16.1% -lh5- 5998 Nov 3 18:49 DefIconScripts/MakeDIconScript1
[generic] 1375 2254 61.0% -lh5- ad83 Nov 4 02:59 DefIconScripts/MakeDIconScript1.info
[generic] 654 2023 32.3% -lh5- 6236 Feb 25 2018 DefIconScripts/MakeDIconScript2
[generic] 1379 2254 61.2% -lh5- 5858 Nov 4 02:59 DefIconScripts/MakeDIconScript2.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 7 files 7616 19596 38.9% Nov 10 19:52
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