/X name: LSDDASC16.LHA
This is the file id (contained within archive as file_id.diz)
[- Hydra/LSD -] === [- Deluxe Software -]
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Presents {=- Associate V1.6 -=} By Hydra
A rather kewl WB2.04+ util for creating
icons for files depending on the type
of file dropped onto the appicon.
[- Hydra/LSD -] === [- Deluxe Software -]
Associate is a rather cool Workbench utility who's job is to create icons
for files that you drop on it's appicon..
If (like me) you use the wb quite alot and then use the cli to create a few
files as well you soon end up with lots of files that are missing icons..
So you then have to go to the workbench and do one of those annoying
"Show -> All Files" from the menu which then shows the files without icons..
This is where Associate is usefull.. First you define a few different types
of files, e.g. Pictures, Lha's, Source Code, Document files and so on within
the config part of the program. then you do your "show all files" and drag
one of the files without an icon onto Associate's appicon (an appicon is an
icon that sit's on the main workbench window). Associate will then try and
match the file you dropped on it to one of the filetypes you specified.
It matches the files first by looking at the filename and matching it to a
wildcard string that you enter. (E.G. "#?.IFF" for picture files) If it
can't find a match on the filename it will then try to match the file by
looking at the first 20 bytes of the file and comparing that to a wildcard
string you supplied for that type of file (E.G. "-lh?-" for .LHA files).
If it can't find any match accociate will pop up a small requester prompting
you to select the file's type from a list.
Associate will then copy the icon associated with that file type to the
to the file you dragged onto associate.
You can also drag more than one file onto Associate and these may be from
any open window.
If all that sounds complicated then don't worry.. it's just my cr*p way of
explaining things..
Here's a practical example.
Say you write lots of source code and have a file called "HELLO.C" in a
directory called "DH0:Source/Test". If you then drag the icon for "HELLO.C"
from workbench, after doing a "Show->All Files", onto associate.
Associate then looks at the file and matches the extension to a source code
file (because of the "#?.c" pattern defined for source code files) .
It will copy a nice icon that looks like a picture of some source code to
Associate is FreeWare :-) (Gosh I'm soooo nice)
This program (Associate) and all it's files may be distributed to whoever
you may feel like giving it to in any way you see fit on the condition that
you don't change anything in it's documentation or code without first having
contacted me.
Permission is herby granted to distribute this file on PD disks and
collections and so on but don't charge loads of money..
You can put this program on cover/subscriber disks on magazines if you like,
but PLEASE let me know if you are going to ..
* Gave all requesters keyboard shortcuts
* Updated a couple of incorrect version strings.
* Added two more options to the requesters that appear,
"All This Type" "All First (Recognised Type)"
* Fixed a bug with the SelectType not actually bringing up the window!
* You can also double click on the file types in the PickWindow
* instead of just saving the prefs when you click on "Save" it now
closes the config window too. (more like other prefs programs do)
-> Uploaded to Aminet!
The Author
Associate was written by Dominic Clifton - Deluxe Software Ltd,
Alias Hydra/LSD
E-Mail: dominicc@macmillan.co.uk (only until 29/01/96)
Mail: Deluxe Software Ltd, 9 Shires Copse, Southbourne, Bournemouth,
Phone: +44 (0)973 524877 (ANytime up till 10:00pm)
+44 (0)1202 434858 (Ditto)
Modem: +44 (0)1202 434121 (24Hrs)
WWW: http://homepages.force9.net/dsltd
Amiga Shopper Magazine for putting this on their cover disk! :-)
First Edition
Daffy Duck
And YOU the user for actually reading this bit :-)