arexxblinkentools-0.0.1 by
This is my set of tools to play with Blinkenlights animations, tools are in
pure ARexx.
Please send me your animations(18x8 with at least 75 frames), they will be
available for download and rendered as animated 'hdl' gifs on my website
- -. This way you will also gain the access
to the ports. Especially welcome are the CS format thoughly handmade movies!
As a bonus you will be able to use a port of 'blinkentools' version 2.9 :)
Also, dont forget to visit - - to see how all this
started and ended(currently 'ccc' is silent about any new installations).
Enjoy this freaky contribution to the Blinkenlights project.
Toolkit includes(start without args to see the template):
- ablmplay - quick/simple blm player for the console - it has two loaders,
this is because 'tracker' is faster than 'lineloader' if using
native ARexx interpreter and vice versa if using RexxPlus.
- cs2blm - Clear source(CS) to Blineknlights(BLM) converter. This tool
eases the process of blm creation pretty much, it is designed
for geeks who want to make their animations from scratch with
just a text editor and nothing more.
- mergeblm - speedy blm merging tool, 'a' + 'b' = 'ab'('c').
- genblm - generates empty blm movies at desired frame delay and size.
- gennoisyblm - generates noise/life movies. Important, RexxPlus has a crappy
RANDOM() function, thus binary is useless, use the script instead.
- overlayblm - allows to overlay one frame from movie 'b' onto all frames
of movie 'a'.
- mixblm - mixes two movies, with additional transparency.
- transblm - this one allows to mix blm movie between two others, yes its
for making transitions :)
- cropblm - allows to crop desired range of frames out of the movie.
- infoblm - information and statistics delivering tool.
If you feel that something is missing here then feed me with your ideas, so the
collection may enlarge. You can of course contribute with your own transition
files too.
Binaries require real AmigaOS 2.04+ with 68000+. I dont recommend to use
them under the AmigaOS version 4! Script files however should work with
no problems anywhere. In both cases working ARexx subsystem required!
Scripts can act as executables as well, all you have to do is to remove
'.rexx' suffix and 'protect <file> +s' and then copy to 'c:'. Note that
'rx' command must be in path!
See scripts with some text viewer/editor for more infos.
See 'samples/' to study the formats. There are also animated gifs showing
final effect.