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Short:Blinkenlights toolkit
Author: megacz at
Uploader:megacz usa com
Download:text/misc/arexxblinkentools.lha - View contents

arexxblinkentools-0.0.1 by


This is my set of tools to play with Blinkenlights animations, tools are in
pure ARexx. 

Please send me your animations(18x8 with at least 75 frames), they will be
available for download and rendered as animated 'hdl' gifs on my website
- -. This way you will also gain the access
to the ports. Especially welcome are the CS format thoughly handmade movies!
As a bonus you will be able to use a port of 'blinkentools' version 2.9 :)

Also, dont forget to visit - - to see how all this
started and ended(currently 'ccc' is silent about any new installations).

Enjoy this freaky contribution to the Blinkenlights project.

Toolkit includes(start without args to see the template):

  - ablmplay    - quick/simple blm player for the console - it has two loaders,
                  this is because 'tracker' is faster than 'lineloader' if using
                  native ARexx interpreter and vice versa if using RexxPlus.

  - cs2blm      - Clear source(CS) to Blineknlights(BLM) converter. This tool
                  eases the process of blm creation pretty much, it is designed
                  for geeks who want to make their animations from scratch with
                  just a text editor and nothing more.

  - mergeblm    - speedy blm merging tool, 'a' + 'b' = 'ab'('c').

  - genblm      - generates empty blm movies at desired frame delay and size.

  - gennoisyblm - generates noise/life movies. Important, RexxPlus has a crappy
                  RANDOM() function, thus binary is useless, use the script instead.

  - overlayblm  - allows to overlay one frame from movie 'b' onto all frames
                  of movie 'a'.

  - mixblm      - mixes two movies, with additional transparency.

  - transblm    - this one allows to mix blm movie between two others, yes its 
                  for making transitions :)

  - cropblm     - allows to crop desired range of frames out of the movie.

  - infoblm     - information and statistics delivering tool.

If you feel that something is missing here then feed me with your ideas, so the
collection may enlarge. You can of course contribute with your own transition
files too.



Binaries require real AmigaOS 2.04+ with 68000+. I dont recommend to use
them under the AmigaOS version 4! Script files however should work with
no problems anywhere. In both cases working ARexx subsystem required!

Scripts can act as executables as well, all you have to do is to remove
'.rexx' suffix and 'protect <file> +s' and then copy to 'c:'. Note that
'rx' command must be in path!

See scripts with some text viewer/editor for more infos.

See 'samples/' to study the formats. There are also animated gifs showing
final effect.


Contents of text/misc/arexxblinkentools.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                24479   57092  42.9% -lh5- bbb6 Dec  2 20:47 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/c/ablmplay
[generic]                17682   38084  46.4% -lh5- b417 Dec  2 19:59 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/c/cropblm
[generic]                16757   34364  48.8% -lh5- 13a6 Dec  2 19:59 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/c/cs2blm
[generic]                16115   33396  48.3% -lh5- 904b Dec  2 19:59 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/c/genblm
[generic]                18257   39444  46.3% -lh5- affc Dec  2 19:59 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/c/gennoisyblm
[generic]                20324   45764  44.4% -lh5- b560 Dec  2 20:47 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/c/infoblm
[generic]                16205   34260  47.3% -lh5- 5b80 Dec  2 19:59 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/c/mergeblm
[generic]                20510   47468  43.2% -lh5- 474c Dec  2 20:00 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/c/mixblm
[generic]                19771   44980  44.0% -lh5- 5664 Dec  2 20:00 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/c/overlayblm
[generic]                20389   46420  43.9% -lh5- 971c Dec  2 20:00 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/c/transblm
[generic]                14485   28052  51.6% -lh5- 817e Sep 12  2005 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/libs/rexxplslib.library
[generic]                 1430    2857  50.1% -lh5- f229 Dec  2 20:11 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/README.amiga
[generic]                 2691    9006  29.9% -lh5- 3214 Dec  2 20:44 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/rexx/ablmplay.rexx
[generic]                 1471    4087  36.0% -lh5- 21b0 Dec  2 17:11 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/rexx/cropblm.rexx
[generic]                 1563    3898  40.1% -lh5- 18c5 Nov 30 18:39 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/rexx/cs2blm.rexx
[generic]                 1287    2846  45.2% -lh5- f479 Dec  2 00:25 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/rexx/genblm.rexx
[generic]                 1357    3541  38.3% -lh5- 88a4 Nov 30 22:59 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/rexx/gennoisyblm.rexx
[generic]                 2104    6157  34.2% -lh5- da5b Dec  2 20:45 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/rexx/infoblm.rexx
[generic]                 1044    2592  40.3% -lh5- 3a0e Dec  1 00:30 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/rexx/mergeblm.rexx
[generic]                 2228    7009  31.8% -lh5- 1d3a Dec  1 21:44 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/rexx/mixblm.rexx
[generic]                 1951    6001  32.5% -lh5- d0ae Dec  1 17:42 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/rexx/overlayblm.rexx
[generic]                 2090    6334  33.0% -lh5- 2107 Dec  1 23:24 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/rexx/transblm.rexx
[generic]                  608   12083   5.0% -lh5- 7b5b Dec  2 20:52 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/mixsample.blm
[generic]                  384   14052   2.7% -lh5- 52bc Dec  2 20:50 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/mixsources/object.blm
[generic]                  618   19782   3.1% -lh5- a544 Dec  2 20:49 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/mixsources/object.cs
[generic]                  283   12084   2.3% -lh5- ceb9 Dec  2 20:28 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/mixsources/speed.blm
[generic]                  315   13716   2.3% -lh5- 4660 Dec  2 20:28 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/mixsources/speed.cs
[generic]                   72      85  84.7% -lh5- ad61 Dec  2 20:52 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/mixsources/_genmix
[generic]                  141     305  46.2% -lh5- 0b47 Dec  2 20:15 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/template.cs
[generic]                 1614   24486   6.6% -lh5- c911 Dec  2 01:18 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/trsample.blm
[generic]               174638  174638 100.0% -lh0- 5b22 Dec  2 01:21 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/trsample.gif
[generic]                  381    6785   5.6% -lh5- cfa0 Dec  2 00:54 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/trsources/bleeeh.blm
[generic]                  563    6679   8.4% -lh5- 8e8b May 18  2002 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/trsources/camel.blm
[generic]                  693    7913   8.8% -lh5- 3bec May 18  2002 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/trsources/coffee.blm
[generic]                  418    7101   5.9% -lh5- ca3d Dec  2 01:00 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/trsources/_blocks.blm
[generic]                  153    3618   4.2% -lh5- a164 Dec  2 01:08 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/trsources/_empty.blm
[generic]                  204    2062   9.9% -lh5- 4877 Dec  2 00:59 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/trsources/_fadeoutin.blm
[generic]                  264    3783   7.0% -lh5- 43a5 Dec  2 00:57 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/trsources/_fall.blm
[generic]                  199     423  47.0% -lh5- 71dc Dec  2 01:14 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/trsources/_gentrans
[generic]                 1822   19118   9.5% -lh5- e212 Dec  1 20:11 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/wts.blm
[generic]                 1870   42241   4.4% -lh5- fe61 Nov 29 17:45 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/wts.cs
[generic]               275743  275743 100.0% -lh0- bd4e Dec  1 20:13 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/samples/wts.gif
[generic]                  262    2672   9.8% -lh5- 606b Nov 30 17:57 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/transitions/block.cs
[generic]                  512    7193   7.1% -lh5- c1c5 Nov 30 18:14 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/transitions/blocks.cs
[generic]                  644    6849   9.4% -lh5- 5f49 Nov 30 17:16 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/transitions/circle.cs
[generic]                  254    2680   9.5% -lh5- 723c Nov 30 16:51 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/transitions/fadeoutin.cs
[generic]                  320    4213   7.6% -lh5- 73ba Nov 30 17:30 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/transitions/fall.cs
[generic]                  432    5633   7.7% -lh5- 870e Nov 30 17:04 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/transitions/obliqwipe.cs
[generic]                  184    1951   9.4% -lh5- e566 Nov 30 17:55 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/transitions/reverse.cs
[generic]                  375    7966   4.7% -lh5- 0b75 Nov 30 17:39 arexxblinkentools-0.0.1/transitions/zorro.cs
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        50 files  688156 1189506  57.9%            Dec  3 09:08
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