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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1294 510 60.5% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/catalogs/mnote_english.ct
20112 10593 47.3% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/MegaNote
13271 5592 57.8% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/MegaNote.guide
932 316 66.0% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/MegaNote.guide.info
975 419 57.0% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/MegaNote.info
1725 788 54.3% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/MNote.History
941 317 66.3% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/MNote.History.info
660 270 59.0% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote.info
1054 522 50.4% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/catalogs/english/mnote.catalog
1104 545 50.6% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/catalogs/français/mnote.catalog
1678 613 63.4% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/catalogs/mnote.cd
1812 806 55.5% 10-Apr-95 23:43:14 MegaNote/catalogs/mnote_français.ct
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
45558 21291 53.2% 11-Apr-95 19:17:32 12 files
Contents of text/misc/MNote14.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 510 1294 39.4% -lh5- 2d2f Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/catalogs/mnote_english.ct
[generic] 10593 20112 52.7% -lh5- ef70 Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/MegaNote
[generic] 5592 13271 42.1% -lh5- ed63 Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/MegaNote.guide
[generic] 316 932 33.9% -lh5- af54 Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/MegaNote.guide.info
[generic] 419 975 43.0% -lh5- c921 Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/MegaNote.info
[generic] 788 1725 45.7% -lh5- 156c Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/MNote.History
[generic] 317 941 33.7% -lh5- 0db7 Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/MNote.History.info
[generic] 270 660 40.9% -lh5- a96b Apr 10 1995 MegaNote.info
[generic] 522 1054 49.5% -lh5- 71ea Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/catalogs/english/mnote.catalog
[generic] 545 1104 49.4% -lh5- e7df Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/catalogs/français/mnote.catalog
[generic] 613 1678 36.5% -lh5- e742 Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/catalogs/mnote.cd
[generic] 806 1812 44.5% -lh5- 71b8 Apr 10 1995 MegaNote/catalogs/mnote_français.ct
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 12 files 21291 45558 46.7% Apr 14 1995
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